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Dog Breeds That Can Jump High – Seven Amazing Dogs Who Can Jump Higher Than You

Written by: Bojana Radulovic
Did you know that small-size dog Papillon is among the best dog jumpers? Read on to discover seven exceptional dog breed that can jump really high.

Dog lovers and beyond know that dogs can run fast and jump high. Looking at dogs participating in some dog sports, such as agility, is amazing because they look like superb beings.

It looks as if they cannot get tired, while in fact, we all know that only a tired dog is a good dog.

If you tend to check videos of dogs online, you have probably noticed that those videos where dogs jump a lot are among the most popular ones and that in those videos Belgian Malinois is frequently the breed that leads.

They can jump so high, that you might think no special training is need for that… But is it? As a general rule, a dog’s ability to jump depends on the dog’s breed and overall health.

Some dogs can jump up to six feet, into the air or over objects such as fences or obstacles, while some dogs can jump only a few inches off the ground.

For example, small dogs with extremely short legs and little agility have a hard time jumping, while larger and much stronger and more agile breeds can jump very high with little, or no, effort.

As expected, older dogs or senior dogs with health issues will most likely not be able to jump very high at all.

On the other hand, younger and healthier dogs will have a higher chance of jumping onto or over high objects.

People shouldn’t force dogs to jump without control, and should always know just how high can their dogs jump.

For most breeds, a six-foot-tall fence will be sufficient, while superb jumpers, or those who can jump fairly, can jump easily up to eight-foot.

Now, let’s see which dog breeds are ultimate champions when it comes to high jumps.

7 Dog Breeds That Can Jump High

Certain dogs breed are better at jumping than others are.

Just like some dogs are better at swimming than others, certain breeds have a better predisposition for jumping.

They have a natural ability to jump high and run fast. If you have a dog already, you know that jumping comes to them naturally, opposite to people who need to have long stretches and warm-up before any sudden moves.

If you want to know how much your dog can jump, the math is simple: dogs can jump around 1-3 times their height! However, if you notice that your dog has any joint issues, do not force it.

To be extra sure of how much your dog can jump, measure him. Try measuring them from the “withers” down to the ground.

The withers are another word for the highest point of their shoulders. To learn who are the best jumpers within the canine world, read on.

Border Collie

Border Collie is one of the smartest breeds alive, with an extremely high energy level. This breed can learn over 100 commands if you work with them carefully, and invest your time and energy into training.

This is a well-built dog, with a smooth outline, which gives them an athletic appearance.

They have longer bodies opposite to their height and have the strength to her livestock all day long. This is the ultimate breed when it comes to agility and other dog sports.

Adult Border Collie can jump as high as over 6 feet from standing.

Originally from Great Britain, this breed is today mostly known as a superb Australian dog. Border Collie can live between 10 to 17 years.

Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdog is another active breed that can jump high. Their primary job was to keep hungry birds and sheep away from the corps, during the 19th century.

Although today they are mostly pets, they are still busy on numerous farms across the globe. Some of them are trained for pet Olympics.

They are highly intelligent and obedient, especially if there are treats and food included. They love fun training sessions and are highly food-driven.

So, if you want to train your Shetland Sheepdogs to jump use treats as your weapon, next to positive training reinforcement methods.

Next to Border Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs are considered one of the best in the field of agility – they are superb when it comes to vertical jumps.


These small dogs are excellent jumpers. They are equally graceful and powerful. Plus, they have a strong and robust attitude that helps them dominate the dog sports arena.

They are famous for being companion dogs with high-energy levels and always pointy ears that help them have that distinctive look.

They are tiny compared to athletic pups, but when it comes to pet Olympics these tiny dogs are ultimate champions. Papillons are easy to train and highly obedient, but since they’re highly active, they need early training and socialization.

They need a walk at least once a day, regular runs, and humans that will play fetch.

If you are thinking about getting a Papillon or you already have one, think about training him as soon as possible. They tend to live between 13 to 17 years.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd or Aussie is a famous dog breed developed in the United States in the early 20th century. These dogs are the ultimate cute dogs with extremely high energy levels.

This is definitely not a breed for first time dog owners, and they need an experienced dog owner who has active outdoor life or has enough time to keep this dog active and tired.

They have extremely strong herding and guarding instincts. Since they are highly intelligent they will try to be leaders over their owners, so training shouldn’t be taken lightly.

To spend their energy, the Australian Shepherds need to be trained every day.

So far, Aussies have been recorded to jump as high as 4ft, and are frequent agility champions.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd lovers know there isn’t a thing this dog cannot perform. From juping to running, this breed is like an ultimate dog warrior.

Bred to help with farm work, German Shepherd was saved from extermination thanks to its skills that found use in military actions. They are perfect family pets, great watchdogs, and above-average athletics that can chase anything and catch it.

Since German Shepherds are prone to joint and hip issues it’s mandatory to provide them enough exercise and help them have strong joints as long as possible.

They are prone to boredom and thrive when they have a job to do. Originally from Germany, German Shepherd can jump over any fence within 4-6 feet high on average. On average, they live between 9 to 13 years.

They are also known as heavy shedders, so make sure that you learn how to reduce their shedding as much as possible.


Little is known, but Rottweiler are great jumpers. They are powerful watchdogs and one of the oldest dog breeds alive.

They have been guard dogs since Roman times, serving as guarding animals, cattle herders, and property protectors.

Even today they are often hired by special forces to help with search and rescue. In hands of the right owner, this breed is alert, fearless, and obedient.

This is definitely not a breed for non-experienced dow owners and can thrive only under experienced owners.

Rottweilers are easily trained, but they are not as athletic as other breeds – still, they can jump up to 3ft. This German breed usually lives between 8 to 10 years.


Originally from Hungary, the Vizsla is a breed known for spectacular hunting and athletic skills. They are sweet, loyal, and easily trained.

If you have some job outside working on, they will be next to you all the time. They are highly trainable, and today are mostly busy as domestic pets.

Vizsla owners will tell you that these dogs are extremely active, love outdoor activities, and enjoy running over various obstacles. They can jump up to 6ft, and usually live between 12 to 15 years.

Is Jumping Bad For Dogs?

There are more breeds that are superb jumpers, but these listed above are among the best ones. Last but not least is to know how much your dog can really jump – and how much.

Talk to your veterinarian to understand better how your dog’s body is built and how it can work perfectly. For start, you should know that puppies should be trained after they’re over 15 months old.

This is the case because young puppies are still developing their limbs and muscles. They have growth plates – pieces of cartilage that sit at the end of their bones.

Since their growth plates are soft, they are more prone to injuries, and they only harden after about a year. Also, some breeds can safely jump higher than others.

Certain breeds, like Dachshunds, have uneven leg to spine ratios, and more likely to hurt their backs while jumping. So, always choose to train your dog safely for any type of jump.

Where your dog jumps on is still important. For example, hardwood floors can make your dog’s legs take the brunt.

Always choose to train your canine on mats or outside. From too much jumping dogs can develop arthritis.

If you are not training your dog to jump, but he loves to jumps talk to a professional dog trainer to learn how to discourage your canine from this practice.

Bear in mind that dogs sometimes jump to get your attention.