Editorial Policy
Last updated: Nov 19, 2019
Barking Royalty wants to be the first resource you come to for all your dog-related concerns. Our veterinary experts provide dog owners with advice that helps our four-legged friends lead the life they deserve.
We receive funding from advertisements, sponsored content, and other partnerships, such as affiliate programs, which allows us to cover more topics of great importance for your dog’s health and behavior.
1. Our top priority is to provide accurate information.
Our mission is to bring you the most objective, trustworthy, and accurate information. Therefore, we created a way to label all the articles you can trust:
Evidence Based – Each article labeled as “Evidence Based” is based on scientific facts and articles. All information taken from scientific researches and articles will be marked in the following manner (1). By clicking the number, you’ll be taken to the source of the information cited in the article.
Written by Vet – Articles labeled as “Written by Vet” are entirely written by our veterinarians. The information you read in these articles is completely safe to follow. Each article labeled as “Written by Vet” has it’s authors’ details (picture, name, academic degree and biography) below the article.
Written by Vet Tech – Articles labeled as “Written by Vet Tech” are entirely written by our veterinary technicians. The information you read in these articles is completely safe to follow. Each article labeled as “Written by Vet Tech” has it’s authors’ details (picture, name, academic degree and biography) below the article.
Medically Reviewed – Medically reviewed articles are the ones written by our non-medical staff but completely reviewed and edited by our veterinarians. Each article labeled as “Medically Reviewed” has it’s reviewers’ details (picture, name, academic degree and biography) below the article.
2. We never allow sponsors to influence our editorial autonomy.
“Sponsored content” is created by Barking Royalty, covering a topic area that is relevant to an advertiser. Barking Royalty has sole editorial control, and no advertiser has any input into the content beyond the broad topic area. Sponsored content will be labeled in one of the following ways: “sponsored by our partners,” “sponsored by,” “from our sponsor,” or “brought to you by.”
3. We don’t endorse any products.
Although products may appear on our site, under no circumstances shall our acceptance of any ad be considered an endorsement of the product(s) and/or service(s) advertised, or for the company that manufactures, distributes, or promotes these product(s) or service(s).
Barking Royalty may receive a portion of revenues if you make a purchase using a link provided on this site.
4. We review all licensed and third party content.
When Barking Royalty licenses content from third-parties for publication on our site, Barking Royalty editors and veterinary editors review the third-party’s content for consistency with the Barking Royalty Editorial Policies.
5. We choose ads.
Barking Royalty has sole discretion for determining the types of Advertising that will be accepted and displayed on the Barking Royalty, and under no circumstances will Barking Royalty’s acceptance of any Advertisement be considered an endorsement of the product(s) and/or service(s) advertised or for the company that advertises, manufactures, distributes, or promotes the products or services.
Barking Royalty will not knowingly accept Advertising that, in Barking Royalty’s opinion, is not factually accurate and in good taste.
6. We won’t accept certain types of ads.
There are certain categories of Advertisements that Barking Royalty will not knowingly permit on Barking Royalty at any time. These categories include but are not limited to the following: fraudulent, deceptive, or offensive material, including material that misrepresents, ridicules, or attacks an individual or group on the basis of age, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability. Ads must not be related to alcohol, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, gambling, pornography, tobacco, or the simulation of news or an emergency. All ads must clearly identify the advertiser.
Barking Royalty reserves the right to decide at any time in its sole discretion whether it will accept, reject, cancel, or remove Advertising from Barking Royalty.