Can Dogs Eat Avocado And Papaya? – Ultimate Nutrition Guide

Written by: Milica Brzakovic
We're exploring two tropical fruits in this text - avocado and papaya. Are they safe to give to your dog, and if so, can they be beneficial? Let's take a closer look!

Avocado and papaya are considered to be very healthy for us humans.

Full of vitamins, healthy fat and antioxidants – just to name a few.

Naturally, you ask yourself if it’s okay to share some of these healthy fruits with your dog.

But is it equally healthy for dogs as it is for humans?

Let’s get busy.

Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

If you type the words dog and avocado in a search engine the term ‘‘toxic’’ often pops up. Why is that? And is it true that avocado shouldn’t be given to our furry friends?

The avocado seems to cause very mixed opinions among dog owners. There are those who consider this fruit to be very dangerous, while others give it regularly and claim it to be very healthy and beneficial. Which one is it? We’ll try to dig deeper and explore both sides!

Is Avocado Healthy For My Dog?

Avocado is very low on carbs and high on fat. It’s also rich in potassium and in minerals, such as phosphor, magnesium and calcium. The avocado contains also a lot of vitamins, among others vitamin A, C and E.

When it comes to us humans, avocado is great because of its nutritive value and the healthy fat. It is believed to protect from cancer, aging and cataract because of its high level of antioxidants. On top of that, it is believed to protect from stroke, thanks to its high potassium level.


Avocado is very rich in potassium, phosphor, magnesium and calcium. It also contains vitamins A, C and E and it’s full with healthy fats.

But is it the same for dogs?

Can I Give Avocado To My Dog?

The answer to this question is yes, but in small amounts!

As you know, dogs don’t break down most food the same way we do. Therefore, they don’t process most plant-based fruit as well as we do, avocado included. As a result, feeding too much avocado can cause diarrhea or upset stomach. These are, unfortunately, not the only downsides.


Feeding your dog with small quantities of avocado is considered to be safe.

What Are The Downsides Of Avocado?

Avocado, as mentioned, has caused a lot of debates. As we can see, giving too much avocado to your dog can lead to gastrointestinal problems. However, this is not typical only for avocado, dogs tend to react that way when given too much of something.

But is avocado really toxic? Let’s clear it out once and for all!

Is Avocado Toxic?

Avocado can be toxic, but only to some animals! Many researches on avocado have been done. According to ASPACA’s Poison Control Center Data avocado is in fact toxic to some animals, such as horses, cattle, goats and birds.

So, it is true that avocado is causing physical problems with some animals. However, no cases of dogs being poisoned by avocado have been reported. This means that it’s safe for your dog to eat avocado, as long as you share very small amounts!

What Makes Avocado Poisonous?

The source of poison in avocado is in persin. Scroll down and find out more about this!

What is persin?

Persin is a substance in the pit, skin, bark and leaves of the avocado. This toxin can be dangerous for some animals, but it doesn’t affect dogs or cats. However, it can be harmful in bigger amounts and mild stomach pain might occur.


Despite containing a toxic called persin, avocado isn’t poisonous to dogs when fed in moderation.

Having said that persin isn’t toxic to dogs, let’s take a look at some positive sides that may come from avocado!

What Are Some Benefits That May Come From Avocado?

In the last couple of years, avocado has moved its way up to the top of the healthy food list for humans. As it turns out, it can be nutritious for dogs as well.

The healthy fats in avocado help the skin to stay healthy and have a shiny coat. Omega fatty acids in avocado are anti-inflammatory agents and the immune system is protected by the numerous antioxidants.


Avocado can boost your dog’s immune system and help his skin and coat stay healthy when fed in small amounts.

How Do I Serve Avocado To My Dog?

Now that you know that avocado isn’t a threat for your dog, the next question is how to serve it. The golden rule is, like with any pitted fruit, that the pit should be removed. There are two reasons for this:

1. The pit presents a possible choking hazard, which is why it should be removed from the avocado before giving it to your dog.

2. The other reason is that the pit is the source of persin. As you now know, this is what makes the avocado toxic. Even though it isn’t toxic to dogs, there is no need to give it to your pet.

Last but not least, when serving avocado, remove the peel or skin just to be on the safe side.


The right way to serve avocado is by removing the pit first, peeling off the skin and cutting it to bite-sized pieces.

How Much Avocado Should I Give To My Dog?

Once again, the rule is – everything in moderation. Apart from persin, avocado is known for its high fat level. Even if it’s a healthy kind of fat, too much of it can make your dog gain unnecessary weight. Giving your dog avocado from time to time is fine, but overdoing it will not lead to anything good.


Giving too much avocado might result in weight gain. Feed small amounts every now and then.

Conclusion On Avocado

Can avocado be toxic? Yes. Is it toxic for dogs? No. Avocado can be nutritive and beneficial to your dog, as long as you remove the pit and serve it in small amounts from time to time.

Can Dogs Eat Papaya?

can dog eat papaya

The second fruit we’re exploring today is papaya. What’s the case with this tropical fruit? Is papaya something your dog can eat or is it on the black list?

Can I Give My Dog Papaya?

The answer is – yes! Not only is it harmless, but it can also be very beneficial to your dog for a couple of reasons.

Why Is Papaya Good For My Dog?

Papaya is very rich in fiber and is known to help with gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating and flatulence. But this is not everything.

Apart from helping with these problems, there are other benefits that can come from papaya.

Namely, papaya is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Some of these are vitamin K, E, C and A, as well as folate and potassium. It is also good because of its high level of magnesium and calcium, both great for growth.

Papaya is also believed to prevent heart problems and atherosclerosis. Last, but definitely no least, papaya will make your dog more energetic and strengthen their immune system.


Papaya is known to be very beneficial for gastrointestinal issues such as bloating and flatulence. This fruit is rich in vitamins K, E, C and A, and in minerals folate, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

How Do I Serve Papaya To My Dog?

There are several ways to introduce this healthy food to your dog’s diet. Of course, this is all very individual so you can test your way and see which one is best for your dog.

As with avocado, it’s important to remove the seeds and peel away the layer on the outside, just like you would eat it. The seeds aren’t beneficial and can often contain small amounts of toxins that can upset your dog’s tummy. On the other hand, peel is not only a choking-hazard for your dog, but it is also very difficult to digest which is why you should keep it away from your dog’s reach.


The best way to serve papaya is to peel it, remove the seeds, and cut it into bite-sized chunks your dog will easily chew. Big pieces of papaya might also cause choking, so always make sure to serve it in the right size for your dog’s mouth.

How Much Papaya Should I Give To My Dog?

This depends on how big your dog is. The smaller the dog, the small the dose should be.

So, follow the golden rule of not exceeding the 5-10% of your dog’s daily food intake. That is usually the correct amount to be reserved for treats.

Yes, papaya is healthy but that doesn’t mean you have to give your dog a lot. Even small portions will do their work!


Feed papaya on occasions and in small amounts. The daily dose of papaya treat shouldn’t exceed 5-10% of your dog’s daily food intake.

Dehydrated Papaya vs Fresh Papaya

Dehydrated papaya you might like to eat is another option. However, when it comes to dehydrated fruit, they are in general much sweeter than fresh fruit so they shouldn’t be given to dogs with diabetes.

On the other hand, fresh papaya is a much better option for dogs, as giving treats that are high in sugar might result in a diarrhea or an upset tummy.

Can I Give My Dog Papaya Enzyme Tablets?

The third way for your dog to consume papaya is via papaya enzyme tablets. These can be good if you want to benefit from the good sides papaya has to offer, but you can’t find fresh papaya to buy. They have a similar effect as fresh papaya.

They are very helpful for dogs that have problem with flatulence. Also, the enzyme found in papaya called papain helps with creating a more complete digestive support for dogs that have digestive issues.

Papaya enzyme tablets can be bought in various stores that sell health products.

And of course, it can never be repeated enough, don’t overdo it!

Can I Give My Dog Papaya Leaves Extract?

Papaya leaf extract is considered to be among very useful herbal cures. Namely, it aids digestion not only in humans, but in dogs too. However, there is still not enough research that can clearly state that papaya leaves extract is recommendable to use. If you can, better opt for papaya enzyme tablets.

Conclusion On Papaya

As we can see, papaya is very healthy for your dog for numerous reasons. It can be used in different situations, both as prevention of, among others, heart diseases and as a help with gastrointestinal problems. Introducing some papaya to your dog’s diet will definitely be beneficial!

Avocado VS Papaya

Now that we’ve presented both of these fruits, you may ask yourself if one is better than the other. Is papaya healthier and safer than avocado, or the other way around?

The answer is not that simple. The best way to look at it would be that they both have their benefits and can help in different situations. Avocado is healthier when it comes to skin protection and protecting the immune system. Papaya has a bigger role in helping with bloating and flatulence, as well as in preventing heart problems and atherosclerosis.

Why you may consider papaya a bit safer is because it isn’t toxic in any way, it doesn’t contain persin as avocado does. However, persin doesn’t effect dogs as we now can see, so when both are given in moderation no problems should occur.

All in all, avocado and papaya are both healthy fruits you can give you dog! If you wonder about oranges, lemons or grapefruit, whether they’re safe or not, check out this article.