Can Dogs Eat Takis – Is It Safe?

Written by: Bojana Radulovic
Learn if Takis is safe for your dog. If some food is safe for you, does it mean that it is safe for your dog as well? Read on and discover.

It’s no secret that some human foods are bad.

Not only that certain human foods bad for dogs, but some foods are awful for humans, as well.

For example, you may enjoy eating sugary food, while knowing how poorly it affects your health when you consume it regularly.

In some people, even occasional soda or spicy sandwiches can lead to numerous stomach issues, so what can you expect from dogs when they eat human foods?

Luckily, there are certain foods that are safe to be shared with dogs once in a while, like a cucumber, while other human foods such as human chocolate are highly dangerous for food, while certain food items such as grits are somewhere in between.

This is why knowing which human foods in dangerous and which are fine to be shared with your Fido is more than useful.

For dogs to thrive they need the right nutrients, good healthy overall nutrition, regular veterinarian check-ups, and proper hydration to keep the dog healthy and strong.

Now, you may ask – if chocolate is dangerous for dogs, and salty food is also dangerous, where does junk food comes when we talk about human foods and dogs?

Where is the limit, which human foods should be shared with Fido, and which is a massive no-no?

Most importantly where does junk food like Takis stand?

Can Dogs Eat Takis?

To be honest, food like Takis should never be given to your dog.

Some junk foods should never be given to your dog and Takis is one of those food items. Why not? Takis is a highly processed junk food chip that comes with minimal (if any) concrete nutritional value for your dog.

As heavily processes junk food chips this food (and similar) can lead to a number of health issues for your Fido.

If you really want to provide a quick snack to your dog, think about alternatives.

Are you still thinking about sharing Takis with your Fido today or any other day?

If so, make sure that you keep on reading, because we will explain further why this snack should not be your dog’s favorite treat.

Can I Feed My Dog Takis Regularly?

Dogs are food-driven beings. They don’t care much about food’s nutritional values, as long as it tastes great.

At least that is the case with the majority of human foods.

If something is really bad for them and dangerous like an onion is, they will usually just sniff it and walk away.

This is the case when they are facing naturally grown food. Dogs have impeccable noses and they can sense what is good for them, and what won’t work for them.

However, this is the case with naturally grown food – when it comes to industrial food that is heavily processed things don’t work that way.

Just like humans, dogs can easily be tricked into believing that something is great for them food-wise.

Junk food is often packed with preservatives and heavy ingredients, next to sugar and salt that always result in heavy calories.

Plus, if there are different flavors and spices you can expect some poor nutrients and a higher level of serious stomach issues in your dog. That being said, you should avoid feeding your dog Takis (even as an occasional treat).

Plus, Takis comes in a couple of different flavors which often include a certain degree of spiciness.

This is the main reason why dogs may experience stomach issues.

Did you know that opposite unlike humans dogs cannot experience the tastes in the same manner as humans can?

In fact, humans can experience a much higher number of flavors opposite to humans.

For example, Takis will be of identical taste, no matter which flavor you serve to your dog.

Humans have up to 9,000 taste buds while dogs have only about 1,700 taste buds. Do yourself and your dog a favor and save all the Takis to yourself.

What Will Happen If My Dog Eats Takis?

It is common for heavy, processed, and spicy foods to cause stomach and digestive issues in dogs.

If you’re a dog owner already you know that whenever they experience stomach issues, dogs will display it in no time.

It can result in diarrhea, cramps, or poor appetite.

If you are just thinking about getting a dog, know that dogs will try to cure themself.

In practice, this means that your dog will sniff around when outside and do his best to find grass to chew on.

This is common in dogs, as it helps them ease stomach pain and overall digestive disturbance.

If your dog pukes and you notice a grass in the vomit, do not stress too much about it.

It just means that your dog is giving himself a treatment, so just monitor him closely in a few days.

Takis is spicy food, and as such, it can cause not only diarrhea (learn more about bloody diarrhea and what you should do if you notice blood in your dog’s stool) but also some of the following issues:

  • Stomach pain
  • Gas
  • Abdominal bloating

Takis is packed with chili powder which is especially dangerous to a dog’s digestive tract and can cause strong irritation (often followed by great pain), in the mouth and throat.

Next to chili powder, Takis also comes with sodium. It’s common for junk food to be packed with sodium.

Do you know how after eating Takis or any chips you need a huge amount of water (or of sugary drink to be honest)? This is because excessive salt in a dog’s diet will lead to high thirst and sodium will always force your dog to drink an excessive amount of water.

How To Recognize Sodium Poisoning In Dogs?

Since sodium is a big part of junk food, and Takis as well, it can’t be harmful to learn more about it.

Did you know that sodium is found naturally in foods? Although this is the case, sodium still needs a lot of processing and preparation, which is why so many foods are still high in sodium.

Where can you find a large amount of sodium? Sodium is commonly found in canned and processed food. Sodium is needed in the human body in a certain amount, to balance a body’s fluids and keeps nerves and muscles running smoothly.

Is sodium the same as salt? No, because salt is a chemical compound made up of sodium and chloride.

Since too much sodium is harmful to humans who tolerate sodium better than dogs do, just imagine how harmful this ingredient can actually be harmful to dogs.

Junk food is commonly packed with sodium (hence, the thirst), and as dogs are less capable of digesting salt opposite to humans, they can experience strong kidney issues and high blood pressure.

You have just served your dog salty chips, or he just grab a bag of Takis from a table and he acts weird?

You might monitor him closely. See if your Fido experiences any of the following symptoms.

Below you will find the common symptoms of sodium poisoning in dogs:

  • Walking in circles
  • Swollen belly
  • Extreme thirst
  • Weakness

If you notice any of the following symptoms, make sure that you contact your veterinarian.

Your veterinarian will tell you first over the phone what to do and provide the right assistance when you reach the vet’s office.

Never ignore a dog’s unusual behavior, because it’s often an indicator that something is wrong.

Dogs use their body language to communicate with us, so master it.

Drinking extra water isn’t your biggest concern, because you need to think about onion powder.

Onion powder is often used as a seasoning for various meals of human foods. What is it? Onion powder is dried onion that is been ground.

It’s three times more potent than dried onion and is an item can humans can tolerate. Dogs cannot.

Onion comes with N-propyl disulfide, a toxic principle that can directly lead to a full breakdown of red blood cells, which will result in anemia in dogs.

What Happens If My Dog Eats Onion?

Onion and dogs are not the topics here, but it cannot be stressed enough just how dangerous it is for dogs to experience onion as a food.

Consuming onions can lead to anemia in dogs.

More precisely, onion consumption can lead to a specific condition called hemolytic anemia.

This type of anemia is known for destroying a dog’s red blood cells, leaving dogs without enough blood cells to function normally. If a dog ingested a huge amount of onions it can be fatal.

Now, let’s explore more what Takis brings to the table and what you should do if your dog eats Takis.

What Are Takis?

Takis are one of the most popular junk food across the States.

This, to many delicious treats, are most similar to potato chips. They are made with corn, rice flour, and cheese.

They are often packed with needed flavorings as well, which is why many describe the, as fried dough. Sounds tasteful, right? Although this may be something that you may find delicious or interesting when it comes to you, you might want to skip feeding your dog with Takis.

Your dog won’t get any nutritional benefit from his food no matter how big of Takis lover you might be.

Takis comes in many different flavors and every flavor is equally poor when it comes to your dog’s health.

Takis contains wheat flour as their main ingredient which can lead to stomach issues and some worse outcome if your dog has gluten allergies.

Gluten allergies in dogs are possible and may not be one of the most common ones, but they do exist.

If you suspect that your dog might suffer from gluten-related allergies make sure that you talk with your veterinarian.

Some veterinarians claim that processed food could trigger a food allergy in your dog.

This is why you should monitor your dog closely whenever you introduce a new food to him or share a new treat.

If you notice anything unusual in his behavior, make sure that you talk with your veterinarian about it.

What If My Dog Already Accidentally Ate Takis?

If you don’t want to share Takis with your dog but he still grabs a bad and eats the whole content inside, he is most likely to become ill.

As mentioned earlier, Takis is packed with onion powder and this can lead to onion poisoning, which may be fatal.

Even if your dog doesn’t show any symptoms of poisoning, you should contact your veterinarian.

Dogs should be kept away from human food, and large amounts of processed food can lead to many disturbances in dogs.

Create Preventive Steps

You may be the best dog owner, and do your best to meet your dog’s needs and he still may do the worst thing ever. Don’t take it personally, it’s just dogs being dogs.

A bag of Takis on their reach, without any saying ‘no’, is the perfect opportunity for them to have a quick treat.

Luckily, as humans, we do learn from our mistakes, which means that we can make sure that unplanned situations are kept at a minimum.

Here is how to make sure that a dog doesn’t grab Takis ever again:

  • Keep all treats away from the dog’s reach
  • If possible store both humans and dog’s treats in a locked cupboard that is set high
  • Don’t leave food around easy to reach
  • Educate your children on how to behave around dogs and how to keep them safe
  • While eating, do your best not to drop food around
  • If you have guests over, make sure that you introduce them on your house dog rules
  • Keep an eye on what your dog snacks

Make sure that you start training your dog from an early age.

Dogs can learn basic commands as of eight weeks of age, and they should know that ‘no’ means that they should drop whatever they take.

Teaching your dog good manners isn’t mission impossible, but it requires some sort of time investment and patience.

Pro tip: Make sure that you cover all the trash cans in your home so your dog doesn’t gran anything dangerous.

What About Alternatives For Takis?

If you really want your dog to enjoy Takis or similar textures, you should think about alternatives.

The best way to introduce new treats to your dog’s diet, while keeping him safe at the same time si to make treats on your own.

Homemade treats are a great way to try different recipes, make it a fun family activity, and make safe treats that are ready to serve anytime to your Fido.

Here are quick suggestions on great healthy snacks for your dog:

  • Chips that are specially made for dogs
  • Dog’s treats
  • Chocolate that is especially made for dogs
  • Fruits such as apples and bananas
  • Fresh vegetables such as carrots and broccoli

The Bottom Line

Once you get a dog you are directly responsible for his overall health and weight.

Obesity in dogs is on the rise, and you want to make sure that your dog’s weight is in balance.

A properly balanced diet, regular exercise, and regular veterinarian check-ups will keep your dog both healthy and strong.

To help your dog thrive make sure that you invest in high-quality food and do your best to create a healthy diet.

Dogs should never be provided with heavily processed food, like Takis or similar chips, because they won’t get any benefits.

Serving dog food with no nutrition means only one thing – frequent veterinarian visits and higher veterinarian bills, which is something that every dog owner wants to avoid.