Can Dogs Eat Apricots? Finally Answered

Written by: Bojana Radulovic
Dogs can safely enjoy the skin of this tropical fruit. However, some parts of this fruit are a big no-no for canines. Check how to avoid apricot poisoning in dogs.

Apricots are delicious, tasty, and tropical fruit. They are refreshing and especially rewarding during the hot summer days.

Maybe they are your favorites, or perhaps you are not a fan – either way, what’s most important about them is that you should know if they are safe or not for your canine. So, should, can, and will your dog eat apricots?

Can Dogs Eat Apricots?

Naturally, dogs being dogs, will always have a bote of almost anything. So, if you are wondering if your dog can eat apricots, the answer is that he can.

Will your dog eat apricots? Probably, especially if he sees you eating this tropical gruit with pleasure. However, the main question remains – can dogs eat apricots?

Your dog can eat apricots -kind of. In general, they are not harmful if your dog grabs them without seeds and in a moderate amount.

Certain parts of apricots, such as seeds, and other parts of the plant are highly dangerous because they contain a fair amount of cyanide.

As you know, cyanide in any amount is highly dangerous for dogs, both pups and adult dogs.

When taken in large portions, cyanide can be even fatal. Overall, this delicious tropical fruit is full of:

  • nutrients
  • antioxidants, and
  • vitamins

However, parts such as leaves, seeds, and stem should be avoided and never eaten. Can a dog die from the smallest amount of apricots?

If your dog ingests a minimal amount of the apricot fruit, he should be fine. Still, better safe than sorry, so avoid giving your dog the whole fruit. That’s a big no-no.

How To Serve Apricots To Your Dog?

If you want to treat your dog with tropical taste than you should know how to serve this fruit to your canine properly.

Firstly, bear in mind that only 10% of dogs’ entire daily food intake should be vegetable and fruit. Make sure that you understand well what foods are safe for dogs, and which should be avoided by any means.

Secondly, learn how vegetables and especially fruit should be served to dogs. So, make sure that you always avoid seed, pit, leaves, and stem of the fruit. The best way to share apricots with your dog is to either cut in up in pieces and present in small quantities.

Even if something is good it doesn’t mean that a huge amount of it (fruit) won’t lead to diarrhea or even bloody diarrhea. Apricots are rich in:

However, a vast amount of fiber can cause mild or severe digestive upset. This is the main reason why fruit isn’t a cornerstone of the dogs’ diet.

Apricot Poisoning

As mentioned above, apricots in moderate amounts are not harmful to your canine. However, if your canine eats more than he should, you can expect some stomach issues in the best case. Otherwise, it can easily come to apricot poisoning. Always monitor your dog while he eats ‘human’ food and any food.

This way, you will see first-hand how your dogs react to treat and if something bothers him. Also, this is a fast and safe way to prevent additional allergies.

So, if your dog ate more apricots than he should, you will notice the first symptoms in 15 minutes after ingesting apricots.

Symptoms To Look For

If your dog eats more apricots than he should keep an eye on your dog, and contact the veterinarian as soon as you notice anything unusual. Be aware of the following symptoms:

A dog can get poisoned from eating parts od apricot, so you will want to keep an eye out for specific signs if he eats more than he should. Luckily, the signs of poisoning can be noticed fast and easily. His pupils may be dilated, and he also may have bright red gums. Also, your dog may experience:

  • lethargy
  • weakness
  • fatigue

This is easy to spot if your dog is, in general, a high-energy dog. Be careful with shock, because this symptom can lead to death.

Dogs are masters when it comes to body language. Therefore, any form of some discomfort or pain they will demonstrate through body language. So, make sure that keep an eye out for things such as:

  • lack of focus
  • sweaty paws
  • whale eye
  • lips pushed forward
  • raspy panting
  • pupils dilated

How To React If Your Dog Eats Too Much Apricot

If you are sure that your dog ate more apricot than he should make sure that you follow these steps:

  • Call your veterinarian immediately.
  • Always keep fruit and any other food away from your dog, so he can’t reach it.
  • Prepare your dog well for detoxification.
  • Prepare your dog for shots at the vet’s office.
  • Listen carefully to your vet’s instructions and make sure to follow up after the visit, the following day.
  • If you don’t notice any progress in the first 24 hours contact your veterinarian again.

Can You Train Your Dog To Stay Away From Apricot?

Training your dog is mandatory if you want a dog that will socialize nicely, behave in the doggy park, and be a real family member and children’s best friend and protector.

Also, you can extend the borders of regular training by training your dog to avoid certain things. Different commands are convenient here. Commands such as ‘no’, ‘don’t’, and ‘drop it,’ can come in handy, especially if your dog loves to taste everything. Moreover, these commands can be life-saving.

Furthermore, you want to make sure that your dog isn’t too afraid of the vet. That being said, make sure that you don’t create any stigma around veterinarians and always use positive reinforcement, affection, love, and of course – treats.

Again, if your dog is going through apricot poisoning, you can expect the treatment to include some medicine, recommended by the veterinarian.

Can Dogs Have Dried Apricots?

Dried fruit can be served to dogs only in moderation. Actually, the smaller the amount, the better. Dried apricots are an excellent snack for dogs. It offers a wide range of vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

They are extremely rich in potassium. Bear in mind that not all dried fruits are pet-safe. It’s best to check with your veterinarian if a ceratin fruit should be in your dog’s diet or not.

Can Dogs Eat Apricots – Summary

If you want to make your dog diet more diverse and exciting, make sure that you always first check if certain foods are good for canines or not.

Some food should always be avoided, such as chocolate, some are still safe, such as cucumber, while some – like apricots – are in the grey area.

This means that some parts of apricots are safe, while some parts should always be avoided. When it comes to apricots, every part but apricot flesh should be far from the dog’s mouth.

Leaves, pit, stem, and anything green should be removed. Serve always fresh apricots to your dog in small pieces, to avoid any possible choking.