Pomegranate is known as a superfood for humans and they have become more popular in recent years. You may tough that this fruit is recent age, but it dates back to biblical times.
Also, many people believe that pomegranate is actually the forbidden fruit that Adam ate. They are rich in healthy antioxidants, and overall pomegranate is great for humans. But are pomegranates beneficial to dogs as they are to humans? Let’s crack that question once and for all.
Is Pomegranate Dangerous For Dogs?
First and the most important thing that you should know when it comes to feeding your dog with pomegranate is that pomegranate are not toxic to dogs. Moreover, they are known for offering numerous health benefits to your canine.
Actually, pomegranate comes with a number of healthy benefits for dogs in juice, fruit, and extract form. This colorful fruit is high in fiber and rich in antioxidants, next to significant amount of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. That said, bear in mind that eating a large quantity of raw pomegranate may upset your canine’s stomach and lead to diarrhea.
Some veterinarians believe that tanninsin pomegranate is what upsets a dog’s stomach. Regardless, the smart decision would be to start with small pieces.
Good to know:
Dog treats containing pomegranate are safe for your canine.
Are Pomegranates Good For Dogs?
The best thing about feeding pomegranates to your dog is the fact that your dog will get a significant amount of antioxidants. However, bear in mind that the level of healthy benefits is not the same to dogs and humans when it comes to healthy benefits of pomegranates.
But, dogs stomach can be sensitive to this fruit and it’s up to you if you want to risk your dog’s stomach being upset or not. After all, the biggest benefits of this juicy fruit are seen in complex of vitamins that it provides to the dog.
- Vitamin C – Dog’s are known for being able to produce vitamin C in their bodies, so many wonder if they need an additional intake of it. However, they can easily lose it, like when they are sick or even stressed. Their bodies can be without vitamin C overnight.
But it doesn’t mean that you have to put your dog on Vitamin C therapy based on tablets. You can try with fruit rich in this vitamin, like pomegranate.
- Folic Acid – when there is justified risk for folate deficiency, folic acid supplements are used. Folate deficiency is common in animals with small-intestinal diseases, or malabsorption.
- High In Fiber – dogs thrive when they intake food rich in fiber. Moreover, a dog’s food should have fiber in the range of 2-5% per day. Any food that contains more than 5% fiber is considered to be a ‘high fiber food.’ So, if you think that your dog needs more fiber, try to treat him with a small fresh piece of pomegranate or treat heavy based on pomegranate.
What About Pomegranate Extract?
Although fresh and raw pomegranate can lead to an upset stomach in your dog, entirely opposite is the case with pomegranate extract.
Actually, pomegranate extracts are an extremely healthy addition to your canine’s diet. Moreover, there are studies saying that pomegranate peel extract can have a positive impact on their overall digestive health. In addition, don’t give your dog raw pomegranate peel, as it’s difficult to digest.
Another study showed that pomegranate extract had a positive effect on a dog’s heart health. However, if you are interested in supplementing your dog’s diet with pomegranate extract. Your veterinarian will know the best when it comes to sourcing and dosage.
Can Pomegranate Seeds Hurt Dogs?
You can let your dog eat a pomegranate, but you shouldn’t let him eat a pure pomegranate. There can be too much fruit acid as well. So, when it comes to seeds…The biggest concern is linked to chewing. Your dog may experience difficulties chewing seeds, as some may be stuck between teeth or hurt dog’s gums.
Dogs can’t consume the entire seed or squeeze them to extract the juice. Therefore, if you insist on feeding your canine with this fruit make sure that you feed your dog one seed per time.
So, if you are up for this repetitive job, we applause your commitment. If you are not known for having a significant amount of patience maybe you should skip feeding this juicy fruit to your dog.
Why Can Pomegranate Be Bad?
First thing first, dog’s are not meant to eat a fruit-based diet. Therefore, they are not able to process seeds very effectively. In addition, it can lead to a slow digestive system.
Secondly, there are veterinarians that don’t recommend rewarding your dog with this fruit as its antioxidants are more beneficial to humans than to the dogs. This is the case mostly to tannins. Dog’s digestive system is not capable of digesting tannins smoothly. That’s the main reason why dogs can suffer from diarrhea and stomach ache.
Thirdly, the seeds. Humans can spit the seeds out easily if they don’t like or feel like they are not beneficial to them. However, that’s not the case with dogs, they can’t spit things out. However, they may throw up. Furthermore, the consumption of pomegranate seed can upset stomach, lead to diarrhea or intense vomiting.
If the vomiting occurs, withhold food for a minimum of 6 hours until the vomiting stops. Afterwards you can go to regular food in small amounts.
What If Your Dog Eats Pomegranate?
Dogs are great when it comes to grabbing the food from the kitchens counter. So, occasionally it can happen for your canine to have a bite of something that he shouldn’t be eating, including juicy pomegranate. If your dog treats himself with a bite or two of fresh pomegranate you shouldn’t worry to much, even if he feeds on entire fruit, peel, and seeds. The best thing that you can do at that moment is to monitor him. Make sure that you keep an eye on their reaction.
Provide enough fresh and clean water and monitor their symptoms. If your furry friend has any adverse reactions to pomegranate, this could cause vomiting, and that’s all. Any stomach upset shouldn’t last long. The dog’s digestive system will try to protect him. Therefore, he may try to remove the fruit by vomiting.
In addition, they will recover quickly. So, your dog eat pomegranate seeds? If its a small amount of seed, it’s unlikely that your dog will have any issues. Furthermore, it can even be a fine little snack if your dog is found of this kind of fruit.
How You Should Give Pomegranate To Your Dog?
Now that we know that canines may slightly suffer from eating pomegranate in fruit form, you should know how to get this juicy fruit to your canine’s food in a proper way. After all, you don’t want to disturb your dog’s diet too much.
There are few simple ways to treat your dog with this fruit in order for him to get the most out from it in order to have an antioxidant boost. And to avoid any digestive issues.
So, if you avoid digestive issues and manage to get the only antioxidant boost you will reach a win-win situation. But, don’t forget to always consult your veterinarian before you add anything new to your pet’s diet.
The best way to give pomegranate to your dog is to serve him pomegranate extract or serve pomegranate traits.
Pomegranate Extract For Dogs
Pomegranate extract is, according to new studies, extremely good when it comes to reducing heart disease in your dog. And this is good news, since the heart disease in one of the most common causes of canine death.
In addition, pomegranate extract could be beneficial as a part of a strategy to reduce progression of oxidative stress-induced canine disease. Check with your veterinarian if its fine to treat your canine with this juice treat and introduce to him a pomegranate extract by simply adding a few teaspoons of pomegranate extract to your dog’s dry food in order to achieve an antioxidant boost.
Pomegranate Dog Treats
Pomegranate dog treats are another way to boost your dog’s diet, especially if your furry friend is fond of sweets and juicy fruits. The great thing about these sweets is that they are processed into a healthier and less toxic form that is safe for dogs.
At the same time, they are retaining the good nutritional qualities of the fruit. Pomegranate treats will still have some anti-oxidants in them as well as the other beneficial qualities of pomegranate, without any risk.
After all, the right amount of anti-oxidants are good for dogs. Furthermore, pomegranate seeds do not contain any cyanide.
Good to know: Dog’s should avoid many of the seeded fruits, including grapes, apples and pears, as the seeds contain a small amount of cyanide. Cyanide is both toxic for dogs and humans. Evan a tiny dose can result in severe complications.
Also, if you have a pomegranate tree in your garden or access to plenty of pomegranates you can give some pomegranate seed to your canine in extremely small quantities and accordingly to dog’s size. To do this, you should remove the fruit’s flesh, then crush up the seeds and serve it like that or mixed with dog’s food.
Also, if you are keen for homemade recipes you can try to bake your own pomegranate treats for your canine.
You can rich your dog’s diet with these types of treats. In addition, it is a great way for your dog to have this tasteful fruit without any worries of having a troubled stomach.
The Bottom Line
Dog’s should be allowed to taste new food occasionally, especially if its beneficial for them. However, you should avoid fruit that’s not good for your canine, especially those with seeds. Fruit that contains seeds, like grapes, contains a small amount of cyanide. Cyanide is, as we know, poisonous both for humans and dogs.
Luckily, pomegranate doesn’t contain any cyanide. Therefore, it’s safe for your canine. However, there are certain steps that you should bear in mind if you want your dog to get the most antioxidants from this juicy fruit.
Never give your dog raw pomegranate, and if you insist on feeding him with it you should give him pomegranate all cleaned, without fruits flesh and the best way would be to feed him one seed per time.
After all, dogs should be allowed to have small amounts of pure pomegranate. If you get carried away, your dog’s tummy may get upset. Dogs are known to get stomachaches from this differently awesome fruit.