Huckleberries are often mixed with blueberries, which leads dog owners to ask – can dogs eat huckleberries?
Huckleberries are small and round berries that are often seen as part of the human diet.
What about dog nutrition and huckleberries? Should they be mixed? Let’s answer.
Can dogs eat huckleberries? Short answer is yes, but you should know how to prepare huckleberries to serve to your dog and how to prepare them safely.
It is also important to serve minimal amounts, but we will elaborate on that further on. That being said, do not serve huckleberries to your dog before you complete reading this article.
What Are Huckleberries?
Huckleberries are berries that grow in North America, and taste-wise they are similar to blueberries.
Throughout history, huckleberries have been used as a traditional medication for pain, infections, and even heart diseases.
Huckleberries are high in vitamin C and A. As you may know already, vitamin C in dogs strengthens their immune system, while vitamin A is beneficial to dogs’ skin and coat.
Plus, vitamin A supports developing muscles and growth. Commercial dog food is usually packed with essential vitamins and minerals that dogs can thrive from.
Did you know that dogs’ diet should have 10% of fruit and vegetable? This percent is usually covered via commercial dog food, and fresh fruit and vegetable should be served as an occasional treat.
Are Huckleberries Poisonous To Dogs?
Huckleberries contain seeds and seeds are in general harmful to dogs.
This is why grapes are off-limits to dogs, and why apples should always be served without seeds.
In general, dogs shouldn’t eat any fruit seeds. In other words, if your dog eats too many huckleberries he may experience strong stomach distress and experience vomiting or diarrhea.
To avoid these symptoms, stick to serving human foods that are actually safe for dogs, and know which berries should be off the table.
To help you serve safe berries to your dog we will first list berries that dogs should not eat:
- Grapes
- Baneberry
- Holly berry
- Mistletoe berries
- Jerusalem cherries
- Bittersweet (woody nightshade berries)
- Ivy berries
Next to these berries, there are some berries that dogs can enjoy from time to time.
As mentioned earlier, dogs get enough nutrients from dog commercial food. That being said, fresh fruit and vegetable should be an occasional treat.
If you are used to reading pet food labels and checking the best food on the pet market you may see food packages with blueberries on them.
It usually means that specific fruit can be found in dogs’ food in traces. Still, do not let the photo trick you.
Fruit on the food package doesn’t mean that your dog can eat that specific fruit in enormous amounts.
For example, dogs should not eat while cherries, not at least before the seed is fully removed.
If a dog’s food contains cherries, it’s usually in traces. There are some berries that your dog can safely enjoy as long as you serve them properly and in small amounts.
Here are berries that dogs can actually eat:
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
- Cranberries
- Acai berries
- Cherries
- Barberries
- Mulberries
How To Prepare Huckleberries
If you want to enrich your dog’s diet a bit, you need to be creative.
Luckily, you don’t have to complicate it, all you have to do is to add fresh fruit or veggie from time to time.
Fruits are especially handy if its a summer time. Did you know that cucumber is a great summer refreshment bite for your dog?
If you want to serve huckleberries to your dog as a snack from time to time make sure that you remove the seeds first.
Once you remove the seeds, start small. Make sure that your dog is not allergic to these berries. To know for sure, give your Fido a few huckleberries, see how he reacts, and continue feeding him.
Whenever you introduce new food to your dog make sure that you do it step by step. If you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms that seem like stress, stop feeding your Fido.
If you have any additional concerns regarding dogs’ nutrition or feeding style, contact your veterinarian.
Whenever you are in doubt, contact your veterinarian before you serve any fruit or vegetable to your Fido.
Risks Of Feeding Huckleberries To Your Dog
As mentioned earlier, your dog may experience strong stomach disturbance if he eats too many huckleberries.
Excessive consumption of these berries can lead to strong stomach upset, diarrhea, and vomiting. Plus, seeds these berries are packed with seeds which act as a choking hazard.
Seeds can cause intestinal blockage, so bear that in mind when feeding your dog with these berries.
If your dog consumed more huckleberries than recommended, you should watch his closely.
Make sure that you see how he reacts, how he moves, and if there are any signs of healthy disturbances, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach upset.
If you notice any of the symptoms, make sure that you contact your veterinarian.
As long as you serve huckleberries to your dog in moderation your dog should be fine.
The Bottom Line
Huckleberries are safe for dogs when served in moderation and without seeds. Any human foods should always be served in moderation to dogs.
If you have some worries regarding your dog’s nutrition make sure that you talk with your veterinarian.
Having a good veterinarian is a must when it comes to being a responsible dog owner.
Not sure how to find the right veterinarian? Check this article and find the best veterinarian in no time.
When it comes to choosing the right veterinarian, think about communication. You want an open veterinarian, a true animal lover, who has clean facilities and is always open to assist if an emergency occurs.