Are Bulldogs Born With Tails?

Written by: Bojana Radulovic
Are Bulldogs born with tails or without? Why do some have straight tails, while others have completely different? Read on and discover.

English Bulldog is one of those breeds that are easy to recognize. They have a unique appearance, one-of-a-kind attitude, and a tail that is instantly recognized.

The biggest question when it comes to this breed is – are English Bulldogs born with tails or docked?

Are Bulldogs Born With A Tail?

The very first thing that you should know about Bulldogs and their tails is that they are born with tails.

They are naturally born with a short straight or screwed tail. As a general rule, English Bulldogs are born with tails, which is unique.

Some English Bulldogs will have short tail bobs that hang low, while some English Bulldogs have small corkscrew tails or straight tails. In some dogs, longer wavy tails can be seen, but those are highly rare.

Important: If you see an English Bulldog with a wavy or curly tail, it should be a clear indicator that this dog was bred with a different breed.

Do English Bulldogs Have Tails At Birth?

Just like other known and less-known dog breeds English Bulldogs are born with tails. Their tails are short.

In fact, they are so short, that people often believe that they were born without tails, which isn’t the case. It’s common for English bulldogs to be born with tails like this.

What Types Of Tails Do English Bulldogs Have?

English Bulldogs have tails that may differ from dog to dog. Its common for dogs of the same breed to have different physical traits.

This is why some English Bulldogs may have small corkscrew tails, while some English Bulldogs may have straight tails. As mentioned above, some rare English Bulldogs could have longer wavy tails.

Basically, there are three different types of bulldog tails overall:

  • Straight tail
  • Corkscrew tail
  • Wavy or longer tail

Can An English Bulldog Have A Long Tail?

Yes, English Bulldog can have a long tail. This is usually linked with breeding.

Some dog experts claim that has something to do with crossbreeding, but it doesn’t have to be the case.

Many English Bulldogs are born with what is considered to be a long tail. However, it’s important to note that it’s not as long tail as it is in German Shepherd or Alaskan Malamute, but something more similar to tails Corgies, in or smaller.

The main thing is that if your English Bulldog is born with a longer tail, there is no reason to be worried about it.

Is There Any Breed Of Dog That Is Born With No Tail?

All dogs usually have tails. They do come in different sizes, and shapes, but they are usually there.

The biggest difference lies between tailless dogs and dogs that have been equipped by nature with a little stub.

This is the most common reason why people assume that some breeds are born without tails or that they just don’t have one.

Dogs with short tails are a long process of breeding. They were created as such, through carefully selective breeding.

Here are the five breeds that are born with tails, although people always tell that they have short tails:

  • French Bulldog
  • Boston Terrier
  • English Bulldog
  • Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
  • Miniature Schnauzer (long tail or bobtail)

Now that you know which breeds are often confused for not having tails, here are the top five breeds that can actually be born without tails:

Do French Bulldogs Have Tails?

The French Bulldog is one of the most popular dogs globally. They are compact, easy to move around, and they are huge people pleasers.

They are also a breed of interesting appearance, especially when it comes to their tail.

They are born with a very short and stumpy tail that covers the anus. At least, that is the case based on UK breed standards.

These small dogs were primarily used for ratting and thanks to selective breeding they got their small tail. It’s no surprise if this breed comes first to your mind when you think about dogs with no tail.

Do American Bulldogs Have Tails?

Just like English Bulldog, the American Bulldog comes with a natural or a docked tail.

With this breed, the natural tail is preferred, which is thick at the base and set low.

A “pump handle” tail is preferred in American Bulldogs. This breed can also be born with longer tails.

Tail Removal In Bulldogs

Bulldog tails may be removed if a professional, your veterinarian, recommends it.

No dog owner can decide that a dog’s tail is too much and that it should be removed. If a veterinarian suggests that you remove a dog’s tail for health reasons it should be done.

The tail can get infected, which can disturb the dog’s ability to go potty. This is something that is frequently seen in Bulldogs with corkscrew tails.

Is There A Special Care For Bulldog Tails?

Grooming is a big part of dog ownership. Grooming is what makes a healthy and happy dog.

Caring about your dog’s paws in the winter, coat in the shedding season is what will keep your dog well-maintained.

Neglecting grooming needs will eventually lead to many health-related issues that may be more challenging to deal with.

For example, neglecting the tail and the rear can lead to problems such as infections and irritation. This is something that you want to avoid no matter what.

Here is how to do so:

  • The dimpled area under tail should always be clean
  • Always wipe off debris
  • Clean the gunk always
  • Always keep the area dry

Make sure that you do this by using the right tools To keep the tail clean and dry you can use unscented baby wipes, damp washcloths, or wipes specially created for pets.

You can also think about cleaning techniques that will include warm water.

If you notice any unusual smell coming, or if the area seems irritated or is extremely sensitive to touch, you might think about contacting your veterinarian.

This is why regular veterinarian check-ups are so important – good health comes down to prevention.

Why Do They Cut Off Bulldogs Tails?

Tail amputation is not something that all dogs should experience. That being said, tail amputation isn’t something that all Bulldogs should experience.

Tail amputation is a specific surgery that should be performed only when really needed. As a highly-delicate surgery, tail amputation involves the removal of the end portion of a dog’s spine – the tail.

As expected, surgery also involves putting your Bulldog under anesthesia, which always comes with a lot of risks.

This type of procedure is recommended only if a dog suffers from recurrent sores and infection in the area regardless of recommended treatment.

It’s clear so far, that Bulldogs have tails of different shapes – they are long, straight, corkscrew, and wavy tails.

Two tail styles are perfect for Bulldogs according to AKC: straight and corkscrew. However, corkscrew tails are inverted tails, and as such, they are extremely prone to elimination difficulties.

The same applies to deep tail pockets, which are prone to infections, sores, and different levels of inflammation.

It’s common for Bulldogs with such challenging tail structures to undergo tail amputation.

As mentioned earlier, sores and inflammation can be treated by regular prevention: by cleaning the area and keeping it dry.

If you notice any sign of infection make sure that you talk with your veterinarian first – after all, only experts can tell you if your dog needs a certain surgery and what kind of treatment would fit his needs.

What Is Corkscrew Tail?

Corkscrew tails are also known as screw tails or ingrown tails. They are common in certain dog breeds, like vertebral malformation.

Having a corkscrew tail means that vertebrae are fused together, leading to a tail of abnormal shape and curvature.

This type of tail looks a bit wrapped up, still having a certain level of flexibility.

What do corkscrew tails look like? Maybe the best description is that the corkscrew tail looks like cinnamon rolls.

The proudest owners of this type of tails are:

  • English Bulldogs
  • Pugs
  • Boston Terriers
  • French Bulldogs

What Are Tail Pockets?

Different terms are often used to describe the same thing. This is something that is frequently seen in canine terminology. However, don’t let the similarity of the terms confuse you.

For example, tail pocket and corkscrew tails aren’t the same things. The tail pocket is a small indention, otherwise known as a pocket, that is relocated just under the dog’s tail. They are in fact created by a fold of wrinkly skin.

It may be located on the top of the tail, or around the dog. This will vary from dog to dog, but one thing is for sure – it will resemble a dimple on the dog’s butt.

Is it difficult to locate the tail pocket? Not too much, because all you need is a bit of time and patience.

To locate it, gently stick your finger under your dog’s tail and if there is a space to fit your fingers inside you have found it.

Most dogs find this spot to be ticklish. If the dog takes a stand while touching this area, make sure that you take a step back.

Disturbed, scared, and even ticklish dogs may show signs of aggression and try to bite. This is something that you want to avoid.

Do All English Bulldogs Have Tail Pockets?

Tail pockets are common in Bulldogs. However, this doesn’t mean that all Bulldogs have them.

It is explained above how you can check if your Bulldog has a tail pocket or not, but you need to know one thing first – it’s very hard to tell if Bulldogs have tail pockets when they are young.

Still, you can check for it from time to time to see if it started developing. A tail pocket is something that is commonly seen in dog breeds with small, stubby, or corkscrew tails.

Why Do They Cut French Bulldogs Tails?

French Bulldog’s tails are never docked or cut off. They are born as such. In fact, they are born without long tails. They are born with stumpy and small tails that make a huge part of their recognizable traits.

Some of the tails are screw-shaped, others have little curves, while others are short and straight.

If you ever get to meet French Bulldog puppies, you may notice that their tails look like some small dots that are about to grow. However, their tails will remain short, because they aren’t born with long tails.

The important thing regarding their short tails is that they can cause significant health problems.

Various issues may appear due to the tail’s development. This means that bones won’t necessarily alight with the spine.

This can lead to deformity, instability in the spinal column, which will eventually lead to spinal and nerve damage.

One thing is for sure, this kind of condition will lead to significant pain. This is a mostly genetic condition that may occur in some Frenchies.

Little is known, but this condition is a direct consequence of breeding. Breeders are continually working on developing healthier and better-looking dogs.

In a way, they are trying to create perfect representatives of the breed. With this specific breed, they are trying to make the screw-type tail a form of preferred look.

Because health issues regarding breeds tails are on the rise, in 2010, UK’s Kennel Club decided to move away from the screw to the straight tail initiative.

Tails are designed to stabilize the vertebrae and support a dog’s rear muscle groups. Without them, dogs will be put in pain.

The goal of this initiative was to focus on keeping straight tails – as they should lead to health improvements in the breed.

This is something that won’t happen fast, or overnight, but is something that will bring many benefits to the breed over time.

Their goal is to get the breed back to having the short-drop tail which they originally had.

The Bottom Line

Tails are created to help dogs be more stable. They are powerful body parts that help dogs stay in balance.

In other words, tails are continuing part of the spine and as such, they need to stay fixed, healthy, and never cut removed unless the veterinarian suggested otherwise.

If you are a Bulldog owner already and your Fido has a standard Bulldog’s tail, make sure that you know how to keep it in order, clean, and dry.

This way you will notice any kind of infection in dogs and help your dog live a longer and happier life.