Nothing says summer like a good pineapple slice. For so many its the favorite tropical fruit. But, is it good for dogs as well, can it be their favorite fruit also? Actually, in moderation pineapple can be a healthy sweet for your canine friend.
Raw and ripe pineapple is rich in vitamin C, folate, niacin, vitamin B6, riboflavin, and thiamin. Furthermore, pineapple is full of minerals, including potassium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. In addition, it contains traits of zinc, phosphorous and calcium.
This vitamin combo is a great nutrient snack for humans and dogs if used wisely. Overall, pineapple can play an important role when it comes to your dog’s digestive health and immune system.
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?
Long story short, yes. Pineapple is an excellent healthy snack for dogs when served raw.
On the other hand, canned pineapple should be avoided due to the high amount of sugar it contains.
Dog’s digestive tracts simply can’t handle that much sugar. However, a few chunks of raw pineapple are just enough to make your dog’s day.
Make sure that pineapple is peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces. Make sure that you know at anytime what human food is safe for your canine buddy.
Also, if your dog is simply not a fan of pineapple you can treat him with other fruit and vegetable that are safe for your furry buddy.
However, it is important to know what parts of a pineapple you can share with your dog. In a nutshell, you should avoid feeding your dog with pineapple core because it’s extremely difficult for your dog to digest it.
In addition, you should avoid feeding your dog with pineapple skin, as its extremely hard to chew and your dog can choke easily. The most satisfying part of pineapple to serve your dog is the flesh or the part between skin and core. If you are not sure whats what check below the pineapple structure.
Good to know: Frozen pieces of fresh pineapple are a great and safe summer treat.
Pineapple Dosage
The first thing that you should bear in mind when it comes to feeding your dog with pineapple is that fruits and vegetables should make up around 10% of your dog’s diet.
Although pineapple is high in mineral, vitamins, and nutrients overall, including vitamin C, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t feed your dog regularly with it. Pineapple should only be used an occasional reward or treat when your dog behaves well, or when you going through a positive reinforcement-based training program.
In addition, you should track carefully your dog’s reaction when you first introduce him to a world of pineapples. Make sure that you follow on his reactions to this fruit. When you give your dog his first piece of pineapple, make sure there is no diarrhea and etc.
Diarrhea may be a common reaction if your dog doesn’t like his new tropical treat, or if he hasn’t had pineapple before.
What Happens If A Dog Eats Pineapple?
If your dog grabs a bite of pineapple flesh you shouldn’t be worried. The worse thing that can happen is for your dog to experience diarrhea. Even that can be a fine state, especially if your dog never had a pineapple before.
However, if it happens a few times in the row you should contact your veterinarian. Make sure that there are no other symptoms.
Why Is Pineapple Good For Dogs?
As mentioned before, pineapple is full of vitamins, minerals and healthy nutrient that can boost your dog’s health additionally. Bear in mind that your dog doesn’t need these supplements. However, occasional snack pineapple that you can treat your dog with can be a vitamin C boost. This is in case you feed your dog properly.
As we have mentioned before, pineapple is rich in magnesium, vitamin C, iron, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc, that are all good for dogs when in balance.
Benefits Of Vitamin C For Your Dog
Humans can’t live without vitamin C. The case is not the same when it comes to dogs. Canines can produce vitamin C in their bodies. Thanks to this ability nutritionists suggest that no additional vitamin C is not required in a dog’s diet.
However, an occasional vitamin C boost – like with a pineapple slice, is fine. On the other hand, dog food makers added vitamin C to their products so your dog is in most cases well covered.
Benefits Of Magnesium For Your Dog
After potassium magnesium is the second most abundant mineral in your dog’s body. This is a needed mineral for almost all of your dog’s body functions, including your dog’s moods. If your dog gets enough of magnesium on a daily level you can expect him to live a healthy and happy life.
This is ‘the key’ vitamin when it comes to maintaining your dog’s health. However, there is a twist. Dogs find it hard to absorb this mineral. But its seen naturally in foods that he may not want. Therefore, the occasional treat should boost this mineral.
Benefits Of Iron For Your Dog
Iron is a mandatory mineral for dogs on a daily level. It should be present on your dog’s menu on a daily basis. Iron is already found in some vegetables and meat. Also, if it comes to a deficiency of iron your dog may experience some health issues, so make sure that you stay on track with this mineral.
Thanks to this minerals and many more, your dog will experience only benefits from this tropical fruit. Also, make sure that you stay on board giving pineapple to your dog on your own terms.
Five Simple Rules For Feeding Your Dog Pineapple
- Always remove the skin.
- Don’t give more pineapple than you should. Remember that dogs diet on a daily level should be not higher of 10% when it comes to fruit and vegetable.
- Feed your dog with pineapple in-between meal times and for good behavior or as a part of training.
- Don’t feed pineapple chunks to puppies in their first 12 weeks. During that period, puppies are on a strict diet for their nutritional needs.
- Use pineapple only as a snack, not a meal.
How To Give A Dog Pineapple
There are many different ways for you to serve pineapple to your dog. However, the practice showed that the most common ways are:
- Sliced pineapple: This is the easiest and the fastest way to prepare pineapple to your dog. Give him small and fresh chunks. Make sure that you remove pineapple skin first.
- Frozen pineapple: Freeze chunks of pineapple in small dollops to share with your dog. This is a great summer treat. If you want richer taste for your dog you can add organic yogurt. This way you will get a more ice-cream like texture.
- Baked pineapple: If your dog is a fan of home made bread, you can upgrade your baking skills by making homemade baked dog bread. This masterpiece requires a slice or two of pineapple in the bread and that’s it. You can do the same with biscuits and cookies.
- Grilled pineapple: This may sound silly, but grilled fruit is actually awesome. Both for humans and dogs. Grill it like you would grill any meat. Make sure that you let it cool before you serve it.
If you are really passioanate about baking and trying different recipes to make a perfect trait to your dog, you can try this exotic cookie.
Why Does Pineapple Stop Dogs From Eating Poop?
Coprophagia is a common condition in dogs and it means that your dog eats poop. Although this urge may sound dreadful to us, in reality, it’s just a canine thing. This behavior is common to dogs. It’s said that it’s connected with domestication when wild animals would eat human junk.
Also, mothers eat their puppies droppings until puppies turn four weeks. Moreover, the dog’s digestive system is designed in such a way that it gets nutrition from the waste products of other animals.
There are many reasons behind this behavior as there is even a method of prevention including use of pineapple. Fresh pineapple contains enzymes that can break down proteins. These enzymes are known as a proteolytic enzyme. Often, pineapple is used as an alternative meat tenderizer for these properties.
Alternatives To Pineapple For Dogs
If you are on a mission on getting your dog to eat a healthy snack in the form of fruit, but he is a pineapple fan, you can try some alternative solutions.
There are alternatives that taste just as good as pineapple and they come with the same or similar amount of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the most common alternatives for pineapple are:
- Banana – they’re a great source of vitamins B and C, and the minerals magnesium and potassium
- Mango – this tropical fruit is high in fiber, as well as vitamin A, B6, C, and E. It taste sweet so your dog will love it. Make sure that you always cut it in small pieces
- Celery – this plant is healthy and safe for your dog. Celery is rich on phytonutrient antioxidants that can be good for arthritic dogs. Celery is known for being high in fiber. Therefore, it is believed that celery can help in lowering the blood pressure
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple – Summary
So, yes your dog can enjoy all the benefits that come with pineapple. Feel free to feed your dog with this tropical fruit. However, bear in mind that you should start with small pieces, moderately sized and serve it to your dog as a healthy way to treat his good behavior or training efforts.
Serve it occasionally and never canned pineapple, just raw. Canned comes with a number of added sugar that your dog can’t digest properly.
Your dog will love this treat and every way you decide to prepare it and serve it.