Dogs are big food lovers. It’s no secret that they would try to eat anything in unlimited amounts.
Have you ever seen a dog who could walk next to a garbage can without stopping next to it?
They are consumed with different smells, and garbage cans are one of the dogs’ most famous human items ever.
It’s no secret that dogs will do their best to taste human foods, especially during the holiday season.
Whenever the holiday season kicks in, make sure that you know which human foods you can share with your Fido and which should be off-limits no matter what.
Did you know that day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day in the vet’s office?
The main reason for this is that dogs tend to grab anything they can from the food table. That being said, where do dogs stand when it comes to grits?
Can dogs eat grits? One is for sure – dogs could easily eat anything. They are big foodies, but is this food safe for dogs to taste?
Can Dogs Eat Grits?
As mentioned earlier, dogs can eat anything. But… Their willingness to taste almost anything doesn’t mean that they should do it.
When it comes to dogs and grits, dog owners should be careful about it. Can dogs eat grits? Maybe. Grits are made from corn. Corn is in general tough for dogs to digest, plus some dogs can be allergic to corn.
In most cases, dogs won’t have any grit-related issues, but they won’t have many calories either.
When it comes to nutrition in general, for both humans and animals it’s crucial to get certain nutrients from the food.
We are what we eat, and it’s not any different for dogs. Actually, nutrition is one of the most important factors when it comes to keeping your dog healthy and strong.
To keep him moving easily you need to provide high-quality food, the right amount of meals, and good calories that will drive dogs to thrive.
How Can Your Serve Grits to Dogs?
Grits can be served in small servings to dogs. Since some dogs may be allergic to grits it’s important to feed them with a really small amount.
If you notice any unusual behavior in your dog after serving him grits make sure that you contact your veterinarian.
What Are Grits?
You may be used to eating grits regularly in different ways, but how can you incorporate them into your dog’s life?
Before we tackle this area we will explain first what grits are.
Grits are a type of grit that can be boiled in water and too commonly cooked with butter.
It can be served as porridge, grit cakes, and even in a form of salad and ice cream.
Grits are made of ground dried kernel hominy grits which come from dry corn kernels soaked in water, that have to be boiled with lime to remove the husk.
In Europe, grits are known as polenta and are usually made cooked by adding water to the grits mixture while stirring to a certain structure.
Grits are packed with a coarse texture and this dish is best known for its bland flavor. Unless certain toppings or seasonings are added to grits the flavor will remain bland.
Can Grits Be Used As an Alternative For Some Foods?
Cooked grit is a great food to be used as an alternative. In fact, grits are often used as an alternative to rice and oatmeal. Why is this the case?
Cooked grits are packed with many benefits including calcium and iron. At least that is the case when compared to the rest of the grains.
How can you serve the grits to your family members? They are best served with butter or margarine for breakfast or dinner time.
Avoid cooking grits with milk, unless you want a meal with too much liquid.
What Do Grits Contain?
Grits are made from corn. It’s known that corn is processed to remove the outer layer.
Once the outer layer (also known as pericarp) is removed it is soaked in an alkaline solution to remove aflatoxins. Grits are rich in carbohydrates and very low in proteins.
If you are already a dog owner or have some experience with dog nutrition, you know that balance where food is high in carbohydrates and low in protein isn’t really something that your dog can enormously benefit from.
To put this in numbers, 100 grams of grits contain 13 grams of carbohydrates and only 1.4 grams of protein.
On the other hand, there are some beneficial ingredients that your dog may have some usage.
Grits contain antioxidants, linoleic acid, vitamins, and minerals. Plus, it contains fiber as well (0.3 grams of fiber per 100 grams of grits to be precise).
Are There Any Risks of Feeding a Dog Grits?
Grits are not in general harmful to dogs, but if a dog swallows them whole it may act as a choking hazard.
Grits should always be well-cooked before you serve them to your Fido. Make sure that your dog chews and swallows them before you add any more food.
If you notice unusual behavior in your dog or any choking-like symptoms make sure that you contact your veterinarian.
It cannot harm to know in general how to act in certain situations so you can react fast and help your dog.
The biggest fear of feeding a dog grits is that is the only food that a dog is consuming.
Grits should be served as an occasional food, just like treats. If not chewed properly, grits can act as a chewing hazard, or if served in large amounts it can lead to weight gain, and eventually obesity.
Grits are high in calories and you should be careful with this food item. If you choose to serve grits to your dog, and he doesn’t seem to have any allergies, don’t do it more often than once a week.
A tablespoon of grits per day is more than enough to keep your dogs interested in new meals.
How much you should feed your dog on grits? A tablespoon per day is more than enough to keep your dog full.
Health Benefits of Grits For Dogs
Every food comes with certain benefits to dogs. For example, cucumber is a nice treat that can help you keep your dog fresh during the hot days, while a bite of an apple is rich in calcium and fiber and can support a dog’s gut health, as long as they are served without the seeds.
That being said, it’s important to note that grits come with certain benefits as well. Thanks to its benefits, grits can be used as an alternative food or supplement.
Again: this doesn’t mean that feeding your dog only with grits should be an option.
Grits or any other human food will never have enough nutrients as dog food will. Grits should be seen more as an occasional treat.
What are the benefits of using grits in a dog’s diet? If you know for sure that your dog’s diet is lacking in protein, sodium, or calcium adding grits can add a bit of these vitamin.
If you have any doubts about including grits in a dog’s diet make sure that you talk with your veterinarian.
In general, grits should be recommended as an occasional treat from time to time because of their nutritional value.
Grits are high in fiber and come with a certain level of vitamin B, and can easily be mixed with other foods, such as cheese. This way you can use grits to make dog food more appealing.
Dry food with a bit of grit can be a great way to make a dog’s menu a bit different and more delicious.
As mentioned earlier if you have any doubts about grits and overall dog nutrition, make sure that you talk with your veterinarian first.
When it comes to your dog’s health your veterinarian should be your best friend.
Are you thinking about changing dry food to a raw diet? Talk with your veterinarian first.
Do you want to make the dog’s menu a bit more exciting and seasonal? Talk with your veterinarian first.
Not sure if a certain food item is safe for your Fido? Or if your dog is obese? Talk with your veterinarian first.
Obesity in dogs is on the rise across the States and this trend is something that shouldn’t be ignored.
You want your dog to have optimal weight and go through life without major health issues.
Extra weight on joints can lead to numerous health disturbances that will catch up on your dog, especially in his senior years.
Once you get a dog you are directly responsible for his weight. Before your dog arrives, do proper research on the breed (use this compare tool if you need help to decide between two different breeds), and know the basics of dog nutrition.
In practice this means the following:
- Understanding dog’s nutrition needs
- Knowing how much your dog needs to eat and when
- Understanding pet food labels
- Providing an easy access clean water all day long
- Knowing which human foods are fine fine to share with your Fido
- Fully understanding the importance of prevention and regular veterinarian check-ups
Can Dogs Eat Grits and Eggs
Did you know that eggs are actually safe for dogs? At least that is the case as long as eggs are served in moderation and not too often.
Just like in humans, hard-boiled eggs can lead to constipation, and too many fresh eggs can create stomach disturbance.
Still, mixing dry food with a fresh egg here and there is a great way to make food more appealing.
As for the grits and eggs, you should know that a really tiny amount of grits with fresh eggs is a safe treat for your dog occasionally.
If you have to choose between feeding your dog with eggs or grits, choose eggs.
Eggs are packed with protein and essential amino acids that are beneficial to your dog’s overall health.
Can Dogs Eat Sugar Grits
No. Anything that contains sugar should be off-limits to your dog. Sugar that is used in the human diet is dangerous for dogs.
Did you know that human chocolate should never be severed from your dog as it may kill him?
Xylitol is one of the most dangerous ingredients that can harm your dog in no time.
If you want to treat your dog with chocolate-like bites, make sure that you shop for a chocolate that is specially designed for dogs. This way you will provide your dog with a new taste and your Fido shall remain safe.
What can sugar do to dogs? Sugar will easily lead to weight gain and make blood sugar levels difficult to manage. Plus, dogs can be at real risk of diabetes if exposed to sugar.
What if My Dog Steals Grits from The Table?
It’s no secret that dogs are amazing when it comes to snitching food in no time.
A blink of an eye is enough for your Fido to pull anything for a table, if not from your hand.
What should you do if your Fido pulls out an enormous amount of grits and just eats it?
First, you should know that if your dog ate a small number of grits, he should be fine.
Secondly, even if he eats a little more than he still should be fine.
Thirdly, if he eats more than that, you shouldn’t panic immediately. Instead, you should be strategical about it.
Call your veterinarian first, and listen to professional advice. Your veterinarian will probably advise you to monitor your dog carefully over the next 24-28 hours and see if he displays any unusual behavior.
If your dog starts vomiting, displays diarrhea, becomes lethargic or does anything unusual that worries you, make sure that you contact your veterinarian for the right advice.
Bear in mind that when served for people, grits always come with some kind of seasoning, such as salt, paper, cheese, or butter, or something even worse that can seriously harm your dog’s health.
The Bottom Line
All in all, grits shouldn’t be an everyday occurrence in your dog’s diet. It would be best to avoid grits in your dog’s diet, and if you choose to include them make sure that you talk with your vet first.
Never prepare grits for your dog as if you are serving it to your family members, but make it plain, no seasoning should be included.
Even when you serve it, know that you are actually serving your dog more empty calories, than you are adding benefits to his overall health.
If your dog eats grits without you approving it, he is most likely to be fine.
Just make sure that you monitor him closely (if he eats grits without any seasoning), however, if he eats grits with some seasoning, make sure that you contact your veterinarian.