Breed Characteristics:
Apartment Friendly
?How well will this breed adapt to apartment living? Is the apartment size the most important factor when it comes to proper living conditions? Is the breed suitable for apartment living?
Good For First-Time Owners
?Some dogs aren't suitable for first-time dog owners. Is this breed a good match for someone with no dog experience? Can training help them be on their best behavior with owners with no dog experience? Are they suitable to be handled by someone who is just entering the canine world?
Overall Sensitivity
?Some dogs are sensitive. Certain breeds are rough on the outside, while having the softest heart on the inside. In other words, some dogs are 'thick-skinned' while some are 'easygoing.' Is this breed prone to sensitivity?
Tolerates Being Alone
?Separation anxiety in dogs is a serious condition that can affect a dog's life quality. Is this breed prone to this condition? Can you leave him alone for hours? How destructive this breed can become when bored, neglected, or not loved enough?
Affectionate With Family
?How affectionate this breed will be around his humans? Will he welcome new family friends easily or he will choose to be shy? Some breeds can be clingy with owners, while others don't attach a lot. Will this breed act as the family's best friend?
?Some dogs will tolerate children, while others will adore well-behaved ones. Dogs and children should always be supervised, no matter how well trained the dog might be. Will this breed act as a nanny dog or he will stay away from children?
Friendly Toward Other Dogs
?Some dog breeds cannot wait to run to the dog park and run with others. Others prefer to be with their humans, and not to be a part of a multi-pet household. Is this breed dog lover or not? How friendly this breed will be toward other dogs?
Friendly Toward Strangers
?Some dog breeds tend to be reserved toward strangers and highly suspicious. Others are fast to walk away with them easily. How welcoming this breed is toward strangers?
Drooling Level
?If you love to clean all the time drooling level in dogs is a trait that you should mind. Is this breed less likely to drool, or you will always need a towel on hand?
Easy To Groom
?Heavier shedding during the shedding season is something that every dog needs to go through. However, some dogs shed just a bit all year round. Is this breed one of them? How often should you groom this dog?
Overall Health
?What can you expect from this breed in terms of health? Are there any genetic conditions to vary about? Is obesity a major issue in this breed? By knowing more about the dog's health, you are learning how to help him live a longer and healthier life.
Prone To Obesity
?Treats are a great addition to training sessions. Dogs love sweet bites of dog treats but they should be served in moderation. Treats can lead to obesity, next to poor nutrition. Can this breed gain extra weight from treats? How prone to obesity this breed actually is?
Trainability Level
?Training some dogs is easier than others. How easy this dog will be to train? What can you expect? Some dogs are huge people pleasers and they will master commands easily, while others will try to outsmart you.
Intelligence Level
?Dogs are smart beings. We do our best to train them, but they do still end up training us to adapt to their needs. How intelligent is this breed? Will he try to outsmart you? Or he will need multiple training sessions to master basic commands?
Prey Drive
?Dogs were bred for a specific purpose. Those who were bred to hunt have natural instincts to hunt, even today. This is why many dogs, like Terriers, will chase other animals. They will also have a hard time concentrating on your commands when there is something small moving. Is this breed prone to following his prey instincts?
Barking Level
?How vocal this breed is? Can you expect neighbors to ring you often to calm your dog? Or you can sleep without worries of hearing your Fido bark? Some breeds are highly vocal, others have unusual sounds, and some are silent. Is this breed prone to barking?
Energy Level
?Low-energy dogs are happy with regular walks and indoor chill times. High-energy dogs are always ready for action. Is this breed a couch potato, energetic dog, or somewhere in between?
Exercise Needs
?Some dogs are more than happy with a slow stroll down the street. Others need hours of active time to stay happy and fit. Is this breed demanding in terms of exercise? How much exercise this breed needs to stay happy and healthy?
Playfulness Level
?Some dogs never lose that puppy spirit, not even in their senior years. Others are more serious and prefer having a job to do. Is this breed demanding in terms of playfulness? Can you expect playfulness in their senior years as well?
Breeding different breeds is a common practice within the canine world. Throughout history dogs’ brains evolved so much through breeding that people realized they could continually create new breeds.
As result, the world is full of different breeds, and most of them are mixed. The breed in this article, the popular Pomsky is one of those mixes.
Pomsky or Pomeranian Husky is a crossbreed between large Siberian Husky and small Pomeranian. This breed can be small to medium dogs of a maximum of 15 inches and 38 pounds.
This mixed breed can live up to 15 years if treated right. This dog is, by many, adorable as an adult dog and super cute as a puppy.
The beautiful thing about mixed breeds is that you can never know for sure how your Pomsky may look, and a surprising element is always a plus. Read on to see if Pomsky is the right dog for you.
Quick Facts
Real name: Pomsky
Other names: Barkless DogPomeranian Husky
Origin: Pomsky
Breed type: Mixed Breed Dogs
Weight: 7 to 38 pounds
Height: 10 to 15 inches
Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
Litter Size: 2 – 6 puppies
Color: Color and markings of a Siberian husky
Coat: Thick and double coat
Pomsky History
One thing that’s most common for the mixed breeds is their place of origin.
Pomsky, just like the majority of mixed breeds, was created in the States. This designed dog is mostly popular in North America and some parts of Europe. Still, this is a rare breed.
The world became aware of this breed in 2011, thanks to the Internet when people started posting pictures of this cute dog.
In fact, people started posting pictures of a mix between Husky and Pomeranian although the breed wasn’t mixed at all.
Still, people loved the idea of this breed. It was just a matter of time when someone will develop this breed.
The interest in Pomsky was so high that breeders decided to do something about it. They started working on developing this breed and created what is one of the most popular designer dog breeds today.
Now, the most asked question about this mix is the breeding process. As expected, due to the different sizes of parents, natural breeding isn’t an option.
So, for a breeder to maintain the Pomsky letter, a lot of additional work is required. This is where science steps in. Breeding Siberian Husky and Pomeranian is challenging and this is the main reason why these puppies are so expensive.
To welcome this dog into your home you should invest a lot, and you still won’t know for sure which traits a specific puppy will have in terms of appearance.
For a Pomsky with more Husky appearances, such as blue eyes and overall Husky appearance, you will pay even more.
The specific color combinations of this breed will cost you even more, than getting a plain Pomsky. One is for sure: getting this dog will be costly.
Pomsky Physical Appearance
When it comes to the appearance of this breed it will vary. Sometimes you might get more than you have expected, or even more.
The appearance will usually vary, depending on which parent breed’s genes are more dominant. That’s just how it goes with mixed breeds.
As a general rule, they should have Siberian Huskies marking and coloring, and a fluffy and soft coat of a Pomeranian.
When grown-up, Pomsky should be a small-to-medium-size dog with no more than 30 pounds if fed right. They will look like a Siberian husky in most cases, just in a significantly smaller size.
Those who really admire and love Siberian Husky, but don’t have space for this energetic dog, should be more than satisfied with this smaller version of the breed.
This is a mixed breed, and as such could have a myriad coat and eye colors from both parents. Their coat can be a true mix and combination of red, gray, brown, and famous white.
They can inherit coat patterns like their husky parents. This is why they often have popular brindle or tuxedo look. Their coat is double and fluffy.
In practice, this means one thing – regular brushing. Siberian Huskies are heavy shedders, just like German Shepherds, while Pomeranian may be small but are demanding in terms of grooming.
Pomsky Physical Personality
If you love spontaneous moments and the playful nature of dogs, then you will love this breed’s personality. You’ve probably heard that large Siberian Husky is a bit of a comedian.
They are so goofy that they will easily walk away with the first stranger that comes to their path. In the meantime, if left alone, this dog won’t be a stranger to doing the craziest things possible – such as eating makeup.
This is why everything should be kept far from their reach. As expected Pomsky got a large part of this nature. This small dog is a true comedian who will love pleasing his humans.
Doing any trick will do for him as long as he gets treats. They are highly adaptable to different surroundings.
Since they don’t have a high energy level and are adaptable to apartment living they need regular walks for toilet business and indoor playtime.
Just like Husky, Pomsky is a very vocal dog. They may be so vocal that your neighbors may ask you to calm your Pomsky, to stop being so vocal.
Make sure that you adress this behavior in an early training stage. They tend to stick to one family member and follow them around no matter what.
Your Pomsky needs to experience proper socialization early on. If you miss socializing them properly, they tend to become shy and even nervous around strangers.
Living With Pomsky
Pomskies tend to be shy when scared. This is the main reason why they tend to be wary of small children. Children tend to see small animals as moving toys.
As result, they will try to pull them, carry them around, and act toward them as they are real-life toys. This is why the majority of accidents occur.
No matter how well-behaved and calm a dog might be, children and dogs should never be left alone, without supervision.
On the other hand, children should ko shown to behave around dogs.
Children must know basic dog house rules and why they shouldn’t disturb dogs while eating, drinking, or resting.
Plus, Pomskies can get along nicely with other dogs. However, since they have stronger prey drives, they will be ready to chase smaller animals like cats.
However, if they are raised together, they should learn how to handle their prey drive.
If your home is a multi-pet home, make sure that you socialize them early and introduce them the proper way.
Good to know: Did you know that Pomsky is often described as a small size dog that looks like wolves?
Pomsky Physical Training
When it comes to a well-behaved dog it all comes down to training. This is in fact the truth with any other dog because socialization and training is what make a dog a well-behaved canine citizen.
Training starts as soon as you bring your Pomsky home. Arm yourself with patience, dog toys, and proper training methods.
Always use positive reinforcement techniques, and never try any harsh approach on your dor, to any. If you feel like you need extra help through training, reach out to a professional dog trainer.
Training is a long process, but definitely a worthy one. Early socialization is what will help you create a calm dog.
Make training sessions fun, short and consistent. Make sure that you have proper treats on hand to make training more enjoyable.
Pomsky Physical Exercise
Pomsky is a moderately active dog. They may be small in size, but they are fast and powerful. Above all, they are active. They need a moderate amount of exercise next to regular walks.
Don’t over-exercise your Pomsky puppy, because puppies usually have no idea what is ok and what isn’t.
They don’t know their limits. Therefore, it’s up to you to provide the proper amount of exercise, and balance between regular walks and additional exercise.
As a general rule, they need a minimum of one hour of activity per day. Pomsky will gladly try any new trick and activity so they can avoid boredom and remain fit.
If you have a fenced-in yard it will help, becuase they will satisfy their exercise needs through running or a game of fetch.
Pomsky Grooming
When it comes to grooming, you can expect to invest a fair amount of time into it. After all, this breed is a mix of Siberian Husky and Pomeranian, two breeds that are known for their heavy shedding.
Siberian Husky is one of the biggest shedders within the canine world, just behind the German Shepherd.
Owning a Siberian Husky means one thing – owning a vacuum cleaner is a must.
Pomskies have a soft and double coat that is best described as fluffy. To keep this coat fluffy, a lot of brushing is mandatory. Grooming this breed won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
Have the right grooming tools on hand, because Pomsky comes thick coat that keeps them warm in cold temperatures.
They do shed a lot, especially during the shedding season, which is in spring and autumn.
Brushing and regular vacuuming should help, but you can still expect to find a fair amount of hair around the home. Their coat comes in many different colors and patterns.
They can come in grey, white, brown, reddish-brown, pure white, blue, and many other color combination. Nails should be trimmed or grinded every few weeks.
Talk to your veterinarian about the best teeth cleaning practice. Check gums and eyes regularly for any signs of infections.
Use brushing sessions to check the skin for fleas and any sign of skin infection.
This breed is prone to dental problems, so make sure that you place extra attention on breeds’ teeth.
Pomsky Health
Getting a dog is a serious decision. It will take your time, energy, plans, and finances.
When you have to care about a living being who can live up to 15 years this is even more important. This means a lot of veterinarian visits tend to be expensive over time. This is why you should be informed about the breed’s health.
If you are dealing with a responsible breeder you should get a healthy puppy.
Responsible breeders will always screen puppies for most common health issues, and present you with documentation. If you are not given the proper papers know that you are standing in the middle of puppy mills.
If so, you should walk away. To understand the health conditions of this breed, you should look at the parents.
From Huskies, this breed can inherit hip dysplasia, and from the Pomeranian side dental issues and ear infections.
However, if you provide regular veterinarian check-ups, proper prevention, and high-quality nutrition.
Is Pomsky For You?
Pomsky may be smaller than his parents, but it doesn’t mean that they will mean less work. This will be a powerful and headstrong breed.
They are extremely proud of their actions and take extra pride in their possibilities to please their humans.
Yes, they are cute, but maintaining that cute look will demand extra time, and care. If you opt for a professional groomer it will demand more expenses, and it’s something to consider before getting a dog of any size and breed.
Is Pomsky for you? If you already have dog experience and you know what being a dog owner includes, then this breed might be for you.
On the other hand, if you are not ready to meet this breed’s needs you will experience how it feels to own a dog with destructive behavior.
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