16 Laziest Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

Written by: Bojana Radulovic
In this article, we will show you the 16 laziest dog breeds that are as great as high-energy dog breeds. They are low-maintenance breeds that are suitable for even busy dog owners.

The laziest dog breeds are usually dogs of low energy levels.

These dogs are also known as couch potatoes, as they prefer a brisk walk around the block and the rest of the day relaxing in their bed or sleeping next to their owner’s legs.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term ‘lazy dog’?

Do you see a slow dog, a dog that refuses to run, or maybe a droopy old hound from Lady and the Tramp who enjoys resting all day long?

Or do you maybe envision a dog who loves spending hours and hours on a hard wooden porch?

Yes, Bloodhound will be on this list, but there are other breeds that enjoy living at their own pace.

Let’s check some of the easygoing breeds that many adore.

They are not only great if you are not into super active outdoor life, but they are also (most of them) suited for first time dog owners.

Below we will present some of the laziest dog breeds that are adored all around the globe.

Great Dane

Great Dane is a giant breed of up to 200 pounds.

It is fair to say that this breed needs a significant living space and proper living conditions.

When a dog stands between 26 to 34 inches tall at the shoulder, and commonly weighs between 100 to 2000 pounds, you cannot expect them to be of high energy levels.

However, you can expect them to be active just enough to keep their joints in balance and great health.

They are often described as lazy because they love to chill and monitor what is happening around them.

They may appear calm, but don’t be deceived; they’ll be quick to take anything from the kitchen counter.

These dogs are tall and if you leave unattended food around (especially human chocolate or any food item packed with xylitol) it may lead to some troublesome outcomes, if not fatal.

To prevent this sort of situation make sure that you know which human foods are OK to share with your dog and which should be off-limits no matter what.

English Bulldog

English Bulldog is a great breed for owners who don’t mind having a dog who loves to claim one spot as theirs and rest.

This breed won’t be fast to chase a ball, but they will be fast to rest, most likely on their back.

They also snore a lot so you can usually find them in the backyard or the living room sleeping and snoring.

Since they are a face-flatted breed, you should be extra careful during the summertime, or when the humidity is above average.

Heatstroke in dogs is something that often happens in face-flatted breeds and you should be aware of it.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is a breed best known for its mountain-related rescues, as dogs that are capable of finding almost anyone.

Spending hours in the snow is something that this breed is an expert at. Their double coat, which may be long or short keeps them dry and warm in the coolest temperatures.

If you are based in a warm area, doublethink if this breed is for you, as they may have a hard time adjusting to warm climates.

After all, they were initially bred to be in the mountain where the snow is a year-long occurrence.

Today, they are not too busy working, which is why they are mostly house pets who love to chill and spend time with children.

Basset Hound

Basset Hound is probably a breed that you have expected to see on this list.

They are naturally easy-going dogs who love spending time not only with humans but with other dogs as well.

Basset Hounds are the first to participate in the hunt, and they are eager to please and chill.

These well-known canines are probably most recognized for their lovely long and floppy ears, but don’t be fooled by their cuteness—they have fierce noses.

When there is nothing to do they will enjoy the long cuddling seasons to just spend time with their family.

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are among the most popular dog breeds alive.

French Bulldogs are true city dogs who enjoy nothing more but enjoy a nice stroll down the most dynamic city areas.

They are compact and easy to blend in the most crowded cities. Plus, they are huge people, pleasers, and love, to clown around.

French Bulldogs are not demanding when it comes to physical exercise, which is why a brisk walk around the block should be enough.

They also do not bark, and barely shed which makes them suitable for apartment living.


Pekingese is one of the oldest dog breeds alive.

Originally bred to be companion dogs, these small size dogs are even today true to their origin.

They are perfect companion dogs, who will enjoy a brisk walk but will enjoy more spending time indoors.

Once dogs of nobility, these canines are perfectly happy without a backyard to run around.

A well-organized space where they can move easily and free indoors with a lot of toys is something that works best for them.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dogs may look as if they are ready for action anytime, but they are just large couch potatoes.

They will perform any task you put in front of them, but in the meantime, they will just lie down.

Technically they are working dogs but unless they are set in the mountains pulling carts, they will just chill.

If you are based in a warmer climate make sure that you be careful during hot days, and provide a chill place for your Bernese Mountain Dog to cool himself.

They love being indoors as much as they love being outdoors.

Chow Chow

Chow Chow may have that bear-like appearance, but don’t think that they are slow to react. They are great guarding dogs and they will be wary of strangers.

No stranger or unusual situation can escape their experienced watching eye.

Chow Chows are best known for their bear-like appearance and fluffy coat that will always demand proper grooming and styling.

Little is known but they are very stubborn and when they are resting, they don’t like to be disturbed.

Originally, they are reserved and quiet dogs who are personality-wise very similar to cats.


Pugs are popular city dogs.

They are small in size, compact, and great to move around.

Did you know that Pugs are one of the oldest dog breeds alive? Originally bred to be companion dogs, these small-size canines are true to their original purpose.

They are massive people, pleasers, great with children, and can easily adapt to any sort of living surroundings.

Pugs are recommended for first time dog owners due to their calm nature, and a strong need to be around people.

As massive people pleasers, they are prone to separation anxiety, so make sure that your entire family is equally included in keeping Pug entertained.

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff is not a breed for first time dog owners.

As a giant dog breed, Tibetan Mastiff is recommended only to experienced dog owners who know their way around the giant and physically powerful dogs.

These massive dogs are known as great guardians.

Originally, they were bred to guard homes and other localities in the Himalayas mostly spending time outside. This is why they are very calm, and peaceful and used to guard while resting.

When the exercise mode is on they will become more active and may even display their independent trait.

It is common for guarding dogs to have a mind of their own. After all, they were bred to be independent thinkers and act on their own when needed.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu is a small-size dog breed originally bred to be a companion dog.

From day one they love being surrounded by people. They love nothing more than spending time with their owner, mostly just chilling.

These small size dogs are not suited for vigorous exercises, and a brisk walk around the block will keep them active and their joints healthy.

Compared to other small size dogs, Shih Tzus are defined as lazy dogs, although they have more of a chill nature.


Seeing Greyhound on this list must be unexpected, right? After all, Greyhounds are dogs who are primarily known for their amazing ability to run fast.

Appearance-wise they are best known for their elegant stand and gracious posture that remains in their race as well.

Greyhounds are dogs who are extremely sensitive to low temperatures, which is why you will often see them wearing sweaters when outside.

They don’t mind running and being active, but they prefer to stay in and stretch their legs, and afterward run around a track.


Bullmastiff is a large size dog who loves to move slowly.

These giant dogs enjoy chilling or having walks that won’t put a lot of stress on their joints and overall body.

Bullmastiffs are great for experienced dog owners who love giant-size dogs with low grooming requirements.

Indoors they won’t require activities, just a couch where they can rest. They will spend the majority of their days curled up next to their people.


Newfoundland is best known as ‘nanny dogs’ as they are great with children.

Did you know that the famous Nana dog from the Petar Pan is actually Newfoundland?

Considering the breed’s temper and calm nature it shouldn’t surprise that Newfoundland was selected for this important role of children’s favorite dog in Peter Pan.

Newfoundlands are giant dogs and they need a lot of living space to move freely and easily. They also need a big couch to rest and snooze all day long.

They will stay next to the children all day long and be sure that Newfie won’t let anyone approach kids without furry approval.

Like with any other dog breed proper training is a must, as much as educating your children on how to behave around dogs.

No matter how great Newfie is great with children, they are still giant dogs, so supervision is advised.

These gentle giants require regular exercise but do not be surprised if your Newfoundland refuses to move.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier is often seen strolling busy city streets.

They are small in size, and perfect for apartment living and owners who don’t like vigorous exercise regimes.

Boston Terriers are compact dogs who are not only friendly but also easy to train.

To keep them happy and healthy you should stick to short daily walks.

It is also helpful to provide some indoor games, or at least provide toys that are great to chew on.

Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher may be small in size, but they are far from being low-energy dogs.

Thanks to their size, Miniature Pinschers are often the first choice for many apartment owners.

These dogs of fair energy amount are often recommended for first time dog owners, who love being outside but are not into the great outdoors.

When indoors, Miniature Pinschers will be fast to curl up next to you and rest.

Are Lazy Dog Breeds Suitable For Apartment Living?

Living in an apartment with dogs may be challenging, especially if your pooch is larger and has high-energy levels.

This is extra tricky if you are renting a place. Not everyone is ready to let dogs in their place, even if you are willing to pay extra.

Let’s be honest, dogs do tend to make a mess from time to time, and dog owners should learn how to deal with those types of situations.

However, if you provide enough physical exercise and proper mental stimulation, your dog should be on his best behavior whether he is a size of a Saint Bernard or a Pomeranian.

To avoid any sort of havoc apartment owners go for breeds that are small in size, do not require large living space, love being indoors, and do not require vigorous exercise, and do not shed much.

This is why some of the most popular dog breeds among apartment dwellers are breeds like Pug, Bichon Frise, and French Bulldog.

If you are just thinking about getting a dog, but you are not sure about the breed, check this compare dog breeds tool to help you choose the best breed for your lifestyle.

Exercising Lazy Dog Breeds

Dog breeds listed above are considered to be lazy, but the truth is that they are more of low energy breeds or just breeds of a more calm temperament who prefer to be on their own monitoring surrounding.

Or simply sleeping. Or resting next to their favorite people.

No matter how large or small a dog might be, all dogs still need exercise.

Dogs need proper exercise time, and they must be active.

Not only that dogs need a daily pee walk, but they need walks to keep their joints healthy and strong.

The best way to keep your dog healthy is to provide the right nutrition and regular exercise.

This is also the best strategy when it comes to helping your dog reach its senior years without major health issues.