Can dogs eat pomelo? Can you share this largest citrus fruit on earth with dogs? Pomelo is often mistaken for grapefruit, but these two fruits differ in taste, shape, and some nutritive components.
Did you know that pomelo is also called shaddock, pumelo, pommelo, or Chinese grapefruit?
Not a lot of people have heard about pomelo, which is why most are surprised to discover that grapefruit is a cross of wild orange and pomelo and not the other way around! But.. Is pomelo for dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Pomelo?
Yes. Pomelos are considered to be safe for dogs. However, the high levels of sugar in the fruit prohibit eating a lot of it as it might cause diarrhea or digestive issues.
Vitamin C, Potassium, and Dietary Fiber found in pomelos will benefit him if taken occasionally.
In any case, do not exaggerate, and your puppy will be a healthy, happy dog!
Another fun thing to do is make a “Pomelo hat” for your dog! Cut it carefully and you will make some wonderful photos that will always make you laugh.
Is Pomelo Good For Dogs?
Pomelo comes with some benefits for humans: from protecting the urinary tract to improving heart health to fighting infections. Will dogs experience identical benefits?
Pomelo is a great source of Dietary Fiber, Potassium and Vitamin C. Though that’s great for us, what could we expect if our dog eats a couple of sections of this fruit?
Let’s see how each of these nutritive compounds affects our dog’s health.
1. Pomelo Contains Fiber That Is Good For Dogs
Adding fiber to a dog’s nutrition doesn’t bring the same benefits as it does to humans.
While we derive additional energy from fiber, pups do not. Still, despite not being essential for their health, fiber is always present in commercial dog food.
What fiber does to dogs improves their colon health, helping in weight control and constipation.
2. Pomelo Comes With Potassium For Dogs
Potassium is very important for the dog’s muscles, nerves, and enzymes functioning.
While commercial dog food surely contains some potassium in synthetic varieties, it is good to boost potassium levels by adding an adequate amount of veggies and fruits to your dog’s diet.
It is important to make sure your dog is not potassium deficient as it might cause the development of some health disorders shortly.
3. Pomelo Supports Vitamin C In Dogs
Even if dogs can produce vitamin C in their bodies, they still benefit from the moderate and occasional intake of this vitamin.
One study discovered that stress causes vitamin C depletion in dogs and there are plenty of stressful situations your dog can go through.
This important vitamin can be consumed through supplements or food, and it helps improve immune function, while also increasing the body’s ability to fight bacteria and viruses.
SUMMARY: Pomelos are healthy because they contain high levels of dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.
Is pomelo good for dogs? Pomelo for dogs may serve as a great treat when served in small amounts and occasionally. But…
Is pomelo good for dogs? Since pomelo comes with certain benefits that a dog’s body can digest and benefit from, it is fair to say that pomelo is OK for dogs. Again, this is ok when served correctly.
How Much Pomelo Can A Dog Have?
Pomelo for dogs is a nice treat when served properly.
A few bites not more than three to four times per week is more than enough for dogs.
In general, dogs get enough nutrients from commercial dog food, and any human food should just be a form of an occasional treat.
How To Serve Pomelo To Dogs?
Pomelo for dogs should be prepared properly for them to enjoy them safely. Pomelo should always be served ripe and fresh, without seeds.
In general, dogs should not eat seeds, as it may lead to mild to severe stomach issues.
- Peel off the skin
- Remove the seeds
- Cut in small pieces to avoid any choking
- Serve to your dog as a treat directly
Can Dogs Eat Citrus Fruits?
Citrus fruits are very beneficial for us humans, but can your dog benefit from them in the same way? Maybe.
Dog digestion tract doesn’t really work like ours, and they don’t break down food the same way we do.
While some of them might help boost your pup’s immune system, other citrus fruits really won’t provide your dog with benefits at all even if they won’t cause any harm.
Oranges are considered as most beneficial of all citrus fruits for dogs, while mandarins and tangerines aren’t really beneficial but won’t hurt your dog’s digestive tract if taken in small quantities.
Grapefruit should be definitely avoided though, as it contains toxins that could affect your dog’s health.
Our four-pawed friends usually don’t enjoy lemon, even if it can be healthy in small amounts.
Read also: Can Dogs Drink Lemon Water?
However, it’s important to know that dogs don’t need as much Vitamin C as we do because their body is capable of producing it in adequate quantities on their own.
All in all, certain citrus fruits can be beneficial for them too, but you have to make sure you don’t share too much with them, wash them well and avoid giving them citrus seeds and peels.
Not all citrus fruits are suitable for dogs. While oranges are considered to be beneficial, tangerines are just safe, and grapefruits are considered toxic.
Can Dogs Eat Pomelo – Wrap Up
Now that you know that dogs can eat pomelo, the key is to stick to moderation.
Serve pomelo as an occasional treat and something that is more of a reward, than a regular meal.
Dogs will thrive on food that is specially designed for them and any type of human food should just be an occasional treat served in really tiny amounts.