Can Dogs Eat Carob – Is Carob Good For Dogs?

Written by: Bojana Radulovic
Carob is safe for humans, but what about dogs? Can they get enough nutrients from this plant? Is carob safe for dogs? Check this article and discover.

Dog owners usually want to know if carob is safe for dogs. This doesn’t come as a big surprise since carob is similar to chocolate.

If you’re an experienced dog owner, you probably know that human chocolate isn’t safe for dogs.

In fact, human chocolate is highly toxic to dogs and should never be served as a snack.

If you think that your dog ingested a larger amount of chocolate while you were in another room, make sure that you contact your veterinarian.

On the other hand, if you are just thinking about getting a dog, know that a big deal of responsible dog ownership is knowing the basics of dog nutrition.

That being said before you offer any human foods to your dog, learn which human foods are safe for dogs and which one is OK to serve as an occasional treat.

Pro tip:No matter how much a certain food might be safe for dogs, always serve it in a really small amount.

Can Dogs Eat Carob?

Simply said, yes – dogs can eat carob. In fact, if you want to serve your dog a new and healthy treat carob is an excellent choice.

Not only that carob is a great chocolate substitute, but it’s also a delicious food that enriches the dog’s diet and overall provides a fun new meal experience.

Now, let’s see why carob is in fact good for dogs.

Why Is Carob Good For Dogs?

Best treats for dogs are those that are packed with health-boosting nutrients. That being said, carob is a great choice when it comes to enriching a dog’s overall diet.

Unlike human chocolate, carob is free from caffeine and theobromine. In other words, carob is perfectly safe for dogs to consume.

Before we elaborate more on the benefits of this safe chocolate ingredient, let’s learn what carob actually is.

What Is Carob?

Dog chocolate or carob is a famous eastern Mediterranean evergreen tree of the pea family. This evergreen tree originates as seeds from within the carob pods.

The carob tree is completely caffeine-free and doesn’t contain any phenylethylamine or formamide.

Chocolate comes from cocoa beans, while carob chips are made completely differently.

Carob chips are made from the pod of a carob tree. Inside this pod, you can find a sweet pulp that is dried, roasted, and ground into a powder.

Can you find both carob powder and carob chips available in the grocery stores? Yes, any better grocery store should have in their offer both versions, carob, and chips.

As for the taste, carob is naturally sweet and has a richer flavor than chocolate.

Carob Benefits For Dogs

Is carob really free from dangerous compounds that are regularly found in chocolate?

Not only carob is safe, but it also comes with a certain amount of fiber, potassium, and vitamins that dogs can only benefit from.

Let’s elaborate more on the health benefits of carob for dogs.

Carob Is Great Protein Source

Carob comes with a specific amount of protein. To carnivores, this protein can serve as a great addition to overall protein intake.

Carob Serves As An Antioxidant Boost

Carob contains significant levels of antioxidants. As you may know already, antioxidants can fight off free radicals and even prevent oxidative damage. As such, some claim that it may lower the risk of cancer.

Carob Is Rich In Fiber

Did you know actually that carob is a bean family member? As such, carob is packed with dietary fiber.

It is well-known that dietary fibers are crucial when it comes to overall gut health and a healthy bowel movement.

Food that is rich in fiber also keeps blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels in balance.

On top of that, food that is rich in fiber supports cardiovascular health.

Carob Is Low In Fat And Sugar

When it comes to weight management in dogs, carob is your friend. Carob is low in fat and sugar, which makes it a great snack between meals for your Fido.

If you are serious about your dog’s weight, you should do your best to provide healthy nutrients.

Obesity in dogs is on the rise across the States, and you do not want your dog to go through this battle. If you want to keep your dog’s weight in order, enable the following:

  • Provide high-quality food
  • Know how much you should feed your dog and when
  • Learn how to read pet food labels
  • Provide enough exercise regime
  • Serve healthy treats in moderation
  • Provide regular veterinarian check-ups

Can dogs with diabetes have carob? Since carob is low in fat and sugar, dogs with diabetes should be fine with having carob from time to time.

Whenever you are not sure, or you are thinking about introducing a new food item to your dog, talk with your veterinarian first.

Carob Is Gluten-Free

Did you know that some dogs may be allergic to gluten? Truth be told, you can not know for sure if your dog is allergic to gluten, unless he displays symptoms.

Some dogs may not be allergic to gluten completely, but they may be sensitive to gluten, which makes carob a great gluten-free treat that can enhance a dog’s overall diet.

Gluten-related health disturbances aren’t common in dogs, but they may happen, so bear this in mind.

Whenever you serve something with gluten to your dog and you notice some unusual symptoms, make sure that you contact your veterinarian.

Carob Is High In Calcium

Just like humans, dogs need the right amount of calcium to keep their bodies running smoothly.

They need calcium to ensure not only good health but also to support proper bone development and even prevent minor and major health complications.

How do dogs get calcium? The easiest and most common way for dogs to get enough calcium is to serve them canned and bagged dog food.

Commercial dog food is specially designed to support dogs’ overall health. Also, some dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt can provide extra calcium intake.

Add to that occasional carob portions, and your dog should be properly covered with calcium amount.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should feed your dog high amounts of cheese and yogurt. This is not only unhealthy, but it can provide long-term health issues.

Cheese and yogurt can be served as an occasional treat to your dog. For example, during a hot summer day, a few spoons of yogurt served in plain form, or mixed with dry food should enrich Fido’s meal.

As for the carob – one tablespoon of carob contains 21 grams of calcium. This may not sound like a lot but bear in mind that this amount is twice the amount of calcium in cocoa.

Plus, unlike cocoa, carob doesn’t contain calcium oxalate.

Can Carob Be Harmful To Dogs?

Simply said, yes. Do not let this confuse you, because any human foods that aren’t part of a dog’s natural diet, can be harmful.

This is why veterinarians and other dog experts always communicate that human foods (no matter how beneficial it might be to dogs) should always be served in moderation, as an occasional treat.

If you serve any human foods, including carob, to dogs in large amounts or too often, you can expect some healthy disturbances.

Not only that it may cause nausea or stomach issues, but it may lead to strong diarrhea and poor bowel movement.

It is no secret that dogs are big foodies. They are ready to have a bite of almost anything, anytime, and any place.

Little is known that these furry food lovers have also sensitive tummies. Yes, carob is mild and stomach-soothing, but large amounts of this ingredient can lead to many issues in the digestive tract.

If your dog just had a large amount of carob you may expect some of the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite

Can Dogs Be Allergic To Carob?

There aren’t many records of carob allergies in dogs, but carob allergies are still possible.

In people with nut and legume allergies, the risk of being allergic to carob is higher, than in people without allergies.

How To Serve Carob To Your Dog?

Carob comes in many forms, including powder, extract, and even dietary pills.

Carob also comes in chips form and syrup form. Now, since it’s clear that carob is safe for dogs, does it mean that every carob form is safe for your Fido? Let’s discover.

Can Dogs Eat Carob Chips?

Simply said, yes. Dogs will be more than happy to have carob chips. Chips are one of the safest carob forms that you can serve to your dog without any worries.

Still, make sure that you serve it in small amounts, and that you double-check the label before you serve this treat to your dog.

If you see any kind of artificial ingredient on the list or sugar, find a different brand. You should always thrive to serve a safe treat to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Carob Powder?

Next to carob chips, the second most popular carob form is carob powder. By itself, dogs can safely eat carob powder.

Like it is often the case with powder form, it is best used as an ingredient rather than as a snack.

In other words, carob powder is a great ingredient to use when it comes to making dog treats.

Like with any other carob form, double-check the label. Once you are 100% sure that there are no harmful ingredients to your dog use it to bake.

Let’s see how you can use this powder to make a 100% safe dog treat.

Carob Dog Treat Recipe

Homemade dog treats are a great way to make sure that you are serving your dog the best possible food. This way you know exactly what you are giving to your dog.

Homemade treats are especially handy if your dog has any allergies, or if his tummy is sensitive in general.

Not sure how to use carob powder? Keep it simple and just mix it with other ingredients as you would otherwise do with ingredients such as apple, for example.

You can also mix carob powder with coconut oil, or any dog-friendly oil, and make freezing some retreats.

Make sure that you use minimal oil amount and do not put too much carob powder.

Mix it and place it in an ice tray to create a great summer refreshment for your dog. Do not force your dog to eat this cold treat if he refuses.

Start small, give a small piece to your dog, and if he takes it and eats, offer more. Do not forget about moderation.

Can Dogs Eat Carob Bean Gum?

Carob bean gum is labeled as a food that is safe for dogs. However, there is no need for your dog to eat this piece in its natural form, since its most commonly used as a thickener or stabilizer in processed foods.

Overall, carob bean gum isn’t toxic to dogs but may lead to many (and strong) gastrointestinal issues if consumed in large amounts.

If your dog grabs carob bean gum while you’re not watching, make sure that you monitor him closely for any digestive distress, such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Again: if your dog experience any of these symptoms, and starts acting unusual, make sure that you contact your veterinarian.

The Bottom Line

All in all, carob is safe for dogs. If you serve it properly and in small amounts, your dog might ripe many health-related benefits.

Even if you serve it in large amounts and too often, your dog might experience many health issues, inducing vomiting and diarrhea.

Since carob may be served in many forms, you should have no issues introducing your dog to this safe chocolate version.

If your dog refuses to try it, do not force it and stick to treats that he already enjoys.

On the hand, if your dog falls in love with this treat, make sure that you keep serving it in small amounts and in moderation.

Moderation is the key when it comes to feeding your Fido human food.