Summer is coming, and besides the sun and the beach, there are other things to look forward to as well. Not only the ease of living that comes naturally as soon as the end of June/December arrives, but it’s the entire lifestyle that completely changes when hot weather arrives.
We all look forward to seeing the Sun shine bright up in the sky in order to get out of our homes and enjoy the heat. Among these exciting things that make summer, what we also love doing is enjoying those exotic fruits that make everything taste better.
For us, melon is certainly one of these fruits that we just can’t have enough. But can your dog have some of it too?
Read on and discover if cantaloupe is safe to share with your pup or not.
Cantaloupe, rockmelon and muskmelon are all different names for the same fruit. Whatever you call it you can be sure of one thing – this is a very healthy fruit for you.
However, that doesn’t necessarily make it good for your dog. Dogs have different nutritive needs than us, so something super healthy to you can even be dangerous to your dog.
This is why you have to inform yourself before giving something new to your pet and make sure it’s safe to share with him or her. As you know, we’re here to help you with filtering safe and unsafe food and today we’re taking a look at the cantaloupe!
Is Cantaloupe Safe For Dogs To Eat?
Yes, cantaloupe is in general safe for dogs to consume and isn’t toxic in any way. On top of that, it’s one of the healthiest fruits a dog can have. We’ll list all its benefits later in this article.
However, there are still some things to think about when giving cantaloupe to your dog. First and foremost, it shouldn’t be given in large amounts as most dogs will experience a loose-stool, and some will even have stomach ache.
Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe Rind?
Dogs should not be fed cantaloupe rinds, not because they are necessarily toxic to their digestive system, but because they are rather hard to digest. Also they are hard to chew and swallow which can be a potential choking hazard too.
However, if your dog has eaten cantaloupe rind while you weren’t looking, there’s no need to panic. Your dog might vomit or have changes in her stool, but no serious damage should occur. But, if you notice strange symptoms after a whole day has passed, you should call your vet for a check up.
Is Cantaloupe Beneficial To Dogs?
Cantaloupe is one of those fruits that are healthy both for you and your dog! This fruit contains a lot of nutritional compounds that are essential for a body’s proper functioning.
It’s rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and beta-carotene, which is believed to be good for the vision.
This melon also has some anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties older dogs in particular can benefit from. Cantaloupe can play a great role in your dog’s health when he or she’s a bit older. As they don’t produce enough vitamin C it can lead to poor heath in some cases and this is where the cantaloupe comes in!
Of course, these are not the only benefits that can come from this melon! Cantaloupe is also rich in:
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Thiamine
- Niacin
- Pantothenic acid
- Folic acid
- Fiber
Potassium will support your dog’s heart health, while magnesium will protect his muscles.
However, don’t forget that all these benefits can’t supplement a quality dog food. Even if it’s great that cantaloupes are rich in so many things they can’t make up for your dog’s true needs. This is why cantaloupes, and other healthy food, should only be used at certain occasions or as a treat.
Of course, there are other healthy fruits for your dog. Check out this video and find out which!
How Much Cantaloupe Should I Give My Dog?
As mentioned, too much cantaloupe could cause stomach problems and diarrhea. As this is one of the fruits with most sugar you shouldn’t overdo it and share too much. Save the biggest part for yourself!
If you think about it – your dog won’t have any actual use for cantaloupe in big amounts as they’re mostly made of carbohydrates and almost no protein, which should be the biggest part of your dog’s diet.
So – everything in moderation as usual and there will be no problem!
How Do I Serve Cantaloupe To My Dog?
There are some things to have in mind when you want to give cantaloupe to your dog. Under no circumstances should you give a cantaloupe as it is and have your dog figure out what to do with it!
First of all, you have to get rid of the skin as it could be very dangerous to your dog. Eating or licking the cantaloupe skin should be prohibited, just like eating the skin of avocados. The peel is usually filled with pesticides and bacteria – both very harmful to dogs! Washing it won’t be enough, you have to remove it completely.
The second thing you have to do is remove the cantaloupe seeds, as they could cause stomach problems in the long hall. Another bad thing about the seeds is that they contain high levels of cyanide – a compound that can be toxic to dogs. This isn’t typical only for cantaloupes – apples and many other fruits have them as well.
Finally, don’t give your dog too big pieces of cantaloupe. Too much of anything is never good, and in this case it could lead to a rise in your dog’s blood sugar level, diarrhea, obesity and other digestive issues. Giving one or two pieces is sufficient. You can also mash it up with something else, but that’s completely up to you.
Can Cantaloupe Be Dangerous To My Dog?
Even though cantaloupe isn’t toxic to dogs, it can still provoke unwanted reactions in certain situations. Not peeling of the skin or removing the seeds are among the most common reasons behind bad reactions.
However, some side effects can happen even if you do everything right. Some dogs simply don’t like it or are allergic to it. If you notice symptoms like vomiting, lack in appetite or excessive salivation these are all signs indicating a food intolerance.
This is why you have to introduce any new food slowly and gradually. That way, even if your dog has a negative reaction to cantaloupes, the symptoms won’t be as bad as the fruit intake wasn’t that big. Even though most dogs tolerate, and like, cantaloupe don’t assume automatically that your dog will too. Try slowly and that way you’ll know.
Cantaloupe is in general safe for dogs to eat and is even quite healthy, thanks to its vitamin C and A and the beta-carotene. It’s also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components, so older dogs could really benefit from this fruit.
When serving cantaloupe don’t forget to remove the skin and the seeds. Also, don’t overdo it as too much of it could result in diarrhea, vomiting and other problems. And if your dog shows signs of intolerance don’t give cantaloupe again, not all dogs like or tolerate it!
Last but not least, don’t forget that this, or any other fruit for that matter, shouldn’t represent a food supplement for your dog’s food. If you’re feeding your pet a high-quality dog food it should contain all the components necessary for your dog to be happy and healthy. Save cantaloupe and other fruits for special occasions, don’t make a habit out of it.