Are arborvitae poisonous to dogs? Should you let your dog near arborvitae or not?
The truth is that some plants are extremely toxic to dogs, which is why gardening with dogs is often challenging.
Arborvitae known as thujas are not on the official list of ASPCA’s list of toxic plants – but they may cause some distress in dogs, both puppies, and adult dogs if ingested. But…
Are Arborvitae Poisonous To Dogs?
Since arborvitae is not on the official list of toxic plants, they are not life-threatening. However, arborvitae may harm dogs and lead to diarrhea or vomiting.
Whenever it’s possible to keep your Fido away from arborvitae you should do it.
Are arborvitae poisonous? In general, arborvitae comes with a low level of toxicity.
Still, even humans can feel some sort of distress if they have more sensitive stomachs.
As a plant with a low level of toxicity, arborvitae can still cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Is Thuja poisonous to humans? If Thuja is taken in larger amounts, like in medicine, it is possibly unsafe.
What Trees Are Poisonous To Dogs?
Some trees are poisonous to dogs and can lead to horrible health disturbances.
If you are thinking about planting a new tree, know that these five plants should never be around dogs:
- Castor bean or castor oil plant, (Ricinus communis)
- Cyclamen, (Cylamen spp.)
- Dumbcane, (Dieffenbachia)
- Hemlock, (Conium maculatum)
- English Ivy, both leaves and berries (Hedera helix)
On the other hand, on hot summer days, your dog can safely enjoy under shades of:
- Bamboo
- Grass
- Fennel
- Thyme
- Lemongrass
Is Arborvitae Safe For Dogs?
Thuja, also known as arborvitae stands for the tree of life. This tree is not promoted as a highly toxic tree for dogs but is labeled as harmful to dogs if eaten in higher quantities.
If this happens, if a dog eats an enormous amount of arborvitae what should dog owners do?
Symptoms Of Arborvitae Poisoning In Dogs
As mentioned earlier, dogs can experience vomiting and diarrhea from ingesting arborvitae.
These symptoms should be mild and short, but knowing how dogs might react to arborvitae, in general, cannot harm them.
If you notice any of the following symptoms in your dog, contact your veterinarian.
- Restlessness
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Vertigo
- Tremors
- Renal damage
- Convulsions
Where To Get Help If You Think Your Dog Ate A Poisonous Plant?
Whenever you think your dog displays symptoms of poisoning make sure that you contact your veterinarian or a Pet Poison Helpline.
If you suspect that your dog ate a dangerous plant or a tree that might harm him, you should react.
How to react when you think your dog is poisoned by something? Your best chance is to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
When you choose the right veterinarian make sure that you know what is their recommendation for emergencies.
Pro tip for choosing the right veterinarian: Make sure that your veterinarian is nearby, well-equipped, and well-educated with strongly defined processes in case of an emergency.
Is Arborvitae Tree Poisonous To Dogs?
What about the arborvitae tree? Should you let your dog roam freely around this tree? So far, there are no official records of the toxic effects of this tree.
Like with any other plant or tree, if you notice anything strange in your dog make sure that you monitor him closely and react accordingly.
Now, that we know that arborvitae trees aren’t poisonous to dogs, let’s see where emerald arborvitae stand. What about humans and cats?
Is Arborvitae Poisonous To Humans?
Arborvitae has a generally low level of toxicity.
Still, there are no defined ways on how this plant may be used in the human diet, so if any toxicity may happen, it’s commonly through oil form.
If you anyhow ingest this plant (usually in form of essential oils), in a small amount, the symptoms that you may experience are vomiting and diarrhea.
If oriental arborvitae comes to your reach and you somehow ingest it, you might feel some symptoms that are related to toxicity. Oriental arborvitae contains a toxic compound called thujone.
Thujone is a compound that may lead to various issues and mind/body disturbances, such as:
- Restlessness
- Mental changes
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Tremors
- Kidney damage
- Seizures
Good to know: Arborvitae essential oil is mostly used in woodcraft and for protecting wood surfaces. Keeping this product safe and far from kids’ and dogs’ reach could save you from a lot of trouble.
Now that you know whether arborvitae are poisonous to dogs or not, let’s run through commonly asked questions on arborvitae and pets.
1. Are Arborvitae Poisonous To Cats?
So far there are no reports of arborvitae poisoning in cats. What about other animals?
2. Are Arborvitae Poisonous To Other Animals?
Thuja occidentalis is listed as dangerous for horse fetuses. This thuja can lead to numerous health issues if ingested in a high amount.
3. Are Emerald Green Arborvitae Toxic To Dogs?
Arborvitae and dogs do get along, and arborvitae should be safe around dogs and vice versa, but what about emerald green arborvitae?
No hard solid reports are stating that emerald green arborvitaes are toxic to dogs, but there are some claims that if a dog eats this plant he may experience digestive upset.
Plus, emerald green arborvitae has crystals that might cause damage to the dog’s mouth after he bites into it.
If you notice anything unusual in your dog’s behavior, check his gums.
All in all, emerald green arborvitaes may not be toxic to dogs, but your dog should be careful when around this plant.
4. Is Emerald Cedar Safe For Dogs?
Did you know that the emerald is an evergreen cedar? As for its relation with dogs, the same rules apply to the arborvitae tree. There should not be any toxic parts but monitor your dog closely.
What about thuja in general and dogs?
Are Thuja Toxic To Dogs?
So far, there are no hard reports of the toxic effects of thuja.
Thuja species are coniferous trees that are mostly spread throughout North America and eastern Asia, although they may be found distributed all across the globe.
Thuja species are known as arborvitaes. They are not highly toxic to dogs, but thuja may be toxic for dogs if ingested in large amounts.
Are Thuja Trees Toxic To Dogs?
There are not many records saying if and at what level thuja trees are dangerous to dogs.
If you are visiting an area that is packed with thuja trees and locals tell you not to let your dog roam freely around thuja trees, believe them.
They probably have some reason from practice why this is a big no-no. Bear in mind that different animals have different needs from various, plants including trees.
Are Arborvitae Poisonous To Dogs – Conclusion
Learn which plants are safe and how they might benefit your dog. If you have a cat as well, know about feline-friendly plants as cats are highly sensitive to plants.
All in all, you should aim to create a garden that will promote your dog’s health. Also, always plant a taller tree so your dog can rest during the hot summer days.
Dogs are prone to heatstroke so providing shade is always beneficial.
You can use this shade to place a dog water fountain, so your Fido can always have an access to fresh and clean water all summer long.
Next to proper plant knowledge, know the symptoms of poisoning in dogs and react properly.
Last, but not least, know that when it comes to arborvitae and other plants your best option is to learn as much as possible about plants, maintain them properly, and know the symptoms of dog poisoning.
All in all, always plant safely, and with your dog’s well-being in the mind.
Are Arborvitae Poisonous To Dogs – Frequently Asked Questions
1. What Trees Are Poisonous To Dogs?
Some of the most poisonous trees to dogs include azalea, box, laburnum, privet, and sago palm.
What happens if a dog eats a tree? In most cases, it will cause blockage in the dog’s digestive system.
What if a dog swallows a large piece of tree or wood? A dog might choke, or have breathing difficulties until you reach the vet’s office.
2. Which Plants Are Most Toxic To Dogs?
The top three most toxic plants to dogs are sago palm, tomato plant, and aloe vera.
In general, dogs should naturally stay far from these plants, but if you have them near your place, learn to recognize the symptoms of poisoning in dogs. Knowing this could save your dog’s life.
3. Are Green Giant Arborvitae Toxic To Dogs?
If ingested in large amounts, Green Giant arborvitae can cause at least vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.
If possible, keep your dog away from Green Giant arborvitae no matter what. If you have this tree in your backyard, do not leave your dog alone around it.
4. Are Fir Trees Poisonous To Dogs?
Fir trees are usually non-poisonous to dogs. Christmas trees tend to be fir trees. Still, if your dog ingests fir tree you can expect him to experience an upset stomach.
5. What Tree Leaves Are Toxic To Dogs?
Some tree leaves can be poisonous to dogs if ingested in large amounts. In some cases, leaves can even cause a blockage – this is mostly seen in puppies.
Keep an eye on the leaves of the following trees: Ivy, Gladiola, American Holly, Tomato Plant, and Aloe Vera.