Breed Characteristics:
Apartment Friendly
?How well will this breed adapt to apartment living? Is the apartment size the most important factor when it comes to proper living conditions? Is the breed suitable for apartment living?
Good For First-Time Owners
?Some dogs aren't suitable for first-time dog owners. Is this breed a good match for someone with no dog experience? Can training help them be on their best behavior with owners with no dog experience? Are they suitable to be handled by someone who is just entering the canine world?
Overall Sensitivity
?Some dogs are sensitive. Certain breeds are rough on the outside, while having the softest heart on the inside. In other words, some dogs are 'thick-skinned' while some are 'easygoing.' Is this breed prone to sensitivity?
Tolerates Being Alone
?Separation anxiety in dogs is a serious condition that can affect a dog's life quality. Is this breed prone to this condition? Can you leave him alone for hours? How destructive this breed can become when bored, neglected, or not loved enough?
Affectionate With Family
?How affectionate this breed will be around his humans? Will he welcome new family friends easily or he will choose to be shy? Some breeds can be clingy with owners, while others don't attach a lot. Will this breed act as the family's best friend?
?Some dogs will tolerate children, while others will adore well-behaved ones. Dogs and children should always be supervised, no matter how well trained the dog might be. Will this breed act as a nanny dog or he will stay away from children?
Friendly Toward Other Dogs
?Some dog breeds cannot wait to run to the dog park and run with others. Others prefer to be with their humans, and not to be a part of a multi-pet household. Is this breed dog lover or not? How friendly this breed will be toward other dogs?
Friendly Toward Strangers
?Some dog breeds tend to be reserved toward strangers and highly suspicious. Others are fast to walk away with them easily. How welcoming this breed is toward strangers?
Drooling Level
?If you love to clean all the time drooling level in dogs is a trait that you should mind. Is this breed less likely to drool, or you will always need a towel on hand?
Easy To Groom
?Heavier shedding during the shedding season is something that every dog needs to go through. However, some dogs shed just a bit all year round. Is this breed one of them? How often should you groom this dog?
Overall Health
?What can you expect from this breed in terms of health? Are there any genetic conditions to vary about? Is obesity a major issue in this breed? By knowing more about the dog's health, you are learning how to help him live a longer and healthier life.
Prone To Obesity
?Treats are a great addition to training sessions. Dogs love sweet bites of dog treats but they should be served in moderation. Treats can lead to obesity, next to poor nutrition. Can this breed gain extra weight from treats? How prone to obesity this breed actually is?
Trainability Level
?Training some dogs is easier than others. How easy this dog will be to train? What can you expect? Some dogs are huge people pleasers and they will master commands easily, while others will try to outsmart you.
Intelligence Level
?Dogs are smart beings. We do our best to train them, but they do still end up training us to adapt to their needs. How intelligent is this breed? Will he try to outsmart you? Or he will need multiple training sessions to master basic commands?
Prey Drive
?Dogs were bred for a specific purpose. Those who were bred to hunt have natural instincts to hunt, even today. This is why many dogs, like Terriers, will chase other animals. They will also have a hard time concentrating on your commands when there is something small moving. Is this breed prone to following his prey instincts?
Barking Level
?How vocal this breed is? Can you expect neighbors to ring you often to calm your dog? Or you can sleep without worries of hearing your Fido bark? Some breeds are highly vocal, others have unusual sounds, and some are silent. Is this breed prone to barking?
Energy Level
?Low-energy dogs are happy with regular walks and indoor chill times. High-energy dogs are always ready for action. Is this breed a couch potato, energetic dog, or somewhere in between?
Exercise Needs
?Some dogs are more than happy with a slow stroll down the street. Others need hours of active time to stay happy and fit. Is this breed demanding in terms of exercise? How much exercise this breed needs to stay happy and healthy?
Playfulness Level
?Some dogs never lose that puppy spirit, not even in their senior years. Others are more serious and prefer having a job to do. Is this breed demanding in terms of playfulness? Can you expect playfulness in their senior years as well?
American Eskimo Dog is by many described as an intelligent, alert, and friendly dog. Some would even say that this breed has in all in terms of physical appearance and willingness to be trained.
Otherwise called Eskies, these dogs than to be a bit reserved when making new friends.
This breed comes in three sizes—standard, miniature, and toy—standing as tall as 19 inches at the shoulder or as short as 9 inches. They have a lion-like and a husky-like appearance and markings with the delicious color name “biscuit cream.”
Eskies are very social beings who can develop problem behaviors when undertrained or neglected – they love being part of the family, insisting on it.
Quick Facts
Real name: American Eskimo Dog
Other names: Cloud Spitz, American Spitz, German Spitz
Nicknames: Cloud, Eskie
Origin: Germany
Breed type: Spitz Group
Weight: 6-10 pounds (toy), 10-20 pounds (miniature), 25-35 pounds (standard)
Height: 9-12 inches (toy), 12-15 inches (miniature), 15-19 inches (Standard)
Lifespan: 10 – 12 years
Litter Size: 13 – 15 years
Color: White
Coat: Soft and dense
American Eskimo Dog History
In the early 1800s, a massive wave of German immigrants came to the shores United States shore. They had a significant impact on developing the Midwest and affected the developments of places such as Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, where even today the German influence can be seen.
With them, Germans brought great recipes, fantastic beer skills, and a Nordic dog breed called the German Spitz, used as all-around farm dogs. These little dogs are ancestors of the modern Eskie.
In the 19th century, traveling circuses were a thing, and they saw a huge potential in these little dogs.
Eskies are easy on the eye, unusual, and highly intelligent, and therefore easy to train. Consequently, they became mainstays of trained-dog acts, and it remained such into the 20th century.
Perhaps America’s most famous performing dog of the 1930s was Pierre, an Eskie tightrope walker with the Barnum & Bailey Circus.
In 1917, America entered World War I, and the country was gripped by prejudice with everything German-related, so the breed’s German name was changed to “American Eskimo” Dog.
The breed was loved from day one, and although it has a long and fascinating U.S. history, it was not until 1995 that the AKC registered its first American Eskimo Dog.
The little white dog that worked hard on the farms, and entertained thousands, is today a full-time pet dogs and fun-loving companions.
American Eskimo Dog Physical Appearance
The American Eskimo Dog is a correct mix of strength, beauty, and alertness. It is a small to medium-size Nordic type dog, always white, or white with biscuit cream.
The American Eskimo Dog is compact and well-built. They have triangular-shaped ears and distinctive black points. The coat is always white and straight.
The coat is thicker and longer around the neck and chest, forming a lion-like ruff. This trait is always more noticeable in dogs than on bitches.
As mentioned earlier, they come in three sizes, and there is no preference for size within each division. American Eskimo dog may be disqualified. Eyes are slightly oval, the expression is keen, and ears should conform to head size and be triangular.
Forequarters are well angulated, as well as hindquarters. This breed has a double coat consisting of a dense undercoat and a longer coat of guard hair growing through it to form the outer coat.
It is always straight with no waves or any sign of curves. They are always white, although white with biscuit cream is allowed.
American Eskimo Dog Personality
The American Eskimo Dog is alert, intelligent, and friendly. Some would describe this breed as outgoing. They are never shy or aggressive, and those with these traits will always be penalized in the show ring.
They are great watch dogs and aren’t afraid to bark to inform you when someone is in front of the door. They are eager to please and enjoy learning new tricks.
Overall, this breed is affectionate and easy to train,. They are great with children because of their intelligence and willingness to please. They are often listed as the top scorers in obedience trials. They also love to work and acting busy.
American Eskimo Dogs love to investigate, and without adequate mental and physical exercise, they can become hyperactive and high-strung, spinning in circles.
They aren’t recommended for first-time dog owners, but they are definitely great family dogs.
Since they are people-pleasers, Eskies are very loyal and need to be around their owners.
Due to their high intelligence level, they tend to be stubborn, which is why they tend to be great watch dogs. They need plenty of things to do indoors, or they will find something to do.
When bored, just like any other dog, they may dig or chew in an effort to entertain themselves.
Any back yard should be well-fenced because these dogs act like miracle workers and escape any area.
Living With American Eskimo Dog
American Eskimos dogs thrive when surrounded by love. They love interacting with people that they know and are always first to interact all-day-long with their owners.
They can tolerate other dogs in the household, including cats if raised with them. Small pets, such as reptiles, birds, and rodents, should be kept away from the American Eskimo dog.
They can be suspicious of strangers, but their size does not make them a good deterrent, which is what they are so vocal. If not properly trained, they can bark excessively.
This breed has harsh coats to survive hard winters, but they prefer to be indoor with their family.
This breed is ideal for people with some dog experience and those who want a small to a medium-sized active dog that doesn’t need a huge back yard and can be content with walks and a simple fetch game.
If left for too long alone, they may develop separation anxiety and experience significant behavioral changes that may be destructive.
As long as you provide enough positive reinforcement, proper training, and right mental and physical stimulation, you will have a well-behaved American Eskimo dog.
American Eskimo Dog Grooming
The American Eskimo Dog’s coat may look fluffy, but it demands some work to keep it so fluffy in reality.
You might expect heavy grooming with a fluffy double coat, but this coat is surprisingly easy to keep clean. A thorough brushing two or three times a week will be enough to remove the dead hair and prevent matting.
Make sure that you have the right grooming tools on hand to provide the best grooming experience.
If you don’t have time to deal with Eskies’ grooming needs, you can always think about professional grooming services.
So, brushing 2-3 times per week is mandatory, because Eskies tend to shed, and the rest is regular grooming. Check ears, easy, and gums regularly to prevent the dirt from reaching hard-to-clean places.
When it comes to bathing, you should be careful – occasional bath is OK, but bathing Eskies every month isn’t unless he really got himself into something dirty.
Dogs don’t have the same need for baths as humans do. As with all breeds, the Eskie’s nails should be trimmed regularly.
American Eskimo Dog Training
As with all dog breeds, early socialization and puppy training classes, next to mastering basic commands – will help you have a well-behaved and well-trained dog.
Luckily, this breed is so easy to train, as long as you put enough time and energy into the training process. Don’t forget that these Eskies were pillars of trained-dog acts.
Eskies are eager to please and highly intelligent, which makes them perfect for training classes.
They can even learn some command by merely watching other dogs – that’s how intelligent they are. They have been alone, and they won’t be scared to share that with you.
This breed will excel in any sport that requires them to use brains, such as agility, obedience training, tricks, and many other dog sports. Don’t forget that training teaches your dog manners and respect for his true pack leader – you.
The strong-willed Eskie also needs a confident owner who will know how to take charge of training and lead a dog through every situation. Make training sessions fun, short, and interactive.
When leaving this dog alone, always surround him with various toys to keep him busy. Since they love to play and think, try to present him with some slow feeding toys to keep his brain engaged and make time fly by.
American Eskimo Dog Exercise
Your Eskie is smart and curious. When a dog has a lot of energy and loves to explore the surrounding, it’s mandatory to provide enough outdoor time, proper exercise, and mental challenges.
An Eskie who is left alone or doesn’t get enough exercise can become destructive.
If you have a yard, make sure to secure it well and provide good exercise and proper stimulation to keep an Eskie out of trouble. Although they have a warm coat, this dog should stay indoors, where he will form strong bonds with his people.
American Eskimo Dog Health
This breed doesn’t have any significant health concerns. A responsible breeder will always test breeding stock for health issues and only hand over a 100% healthy dog. They will also provide you specific medical documentation proving that the dog is healthy.
A responsible breeder will always let you meet the puppy’s parents and show you the facilities where they spend time.
On the other hand, if a breeder doesn’t let you meet the parents, has no papers, and refuses to show your facilities, it’s more likely that you are dealing with a breeder who doesn’t care about the animal’s health. Still, some Eskies may develop one of the following issues:
- Hip Dysplasia
- Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
- Juvenile Cataracts
As with all breeds, ears should be checked weekly to remove debris and avoid a buildup of wax, and the dog’s teeth should be brushed regularly.
The Bottom Line
The American Eskimo Dog should do well on high-quality dog food in an environment that will stimulate his mental and physical growth. Any diet should be appropriate to the dog’s age to avoid proper dog’s development and avoid obesity.
Always check for the dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs and which are not.
If you have any concerns about the dog’s health, talk to your veterinarian. If you are thinking about welcoming The American Eskimo Dog into your home, you should always research the breed.
This breed might be perfect for you if you love breeds with a spitz look, loves exercise, and is a great watch dog. If you don’t mind having a smaller size dog with a high energy level and a fair amount of shedding, then an American Eskimo Dog may be right for you.
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